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"A wealthy client of Dorothy Liebes, of San Francisco the blonde and gifted weaver woman who was in town last week, and whose hand woven textiles are being shown in art museums, took her through his large house and asked her for suggestions as to new drapery and upholstery fabrics." 

"Mrs. Liebes rapturously outlined color schemes for the various rooms and talked about pinky beiges and warm greys and how well her delphinium textile with blue and green strands interwoven would look here, and her magenta and Guatemalan yellow would look there. She asked for further time to think over the rooms."

"Then her client said he had a confession to make. "See this?' he said, flipping his tie out from under his vest and pointing to the underside, where 'No. 35' was plainly marked. 'I'm color blind,' he said, in answer to her look of injury. 'My tailor sews numbers in all my suits and ties and if I put on suits and ties with corres-