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and the master craftsman is essential, and we often find these attributes in one person. In many examples of the work here shown, form and function are one, as a result of the perfect unity between design and execution."
The preface then called attention to the exhibit of the famous Thorne Miniature Rooms, which had been loaned by Mrs. James Ward Thorne. Each was a tiny masterpiece, filled with furniture, chandeliers and other objects, all fashioned on an almost microscopic scale. They demonstrated the criteria of taste in the homes of an earlier era. I used them as a "Historical prelude" to the modern exhibit. The preface went on to say --
"This leads quite naturally to the second and main part of the exhibit, the full-sized rooms -- some 15 in all, outdoor terraces and other unit which make up the plan of our domestic millieu -- presented by noted architects, decorators and designers.