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of Lexington and 66th Street, but the chances of fulfilling the dream seemed slim. The owners of the apartments lived in them for many years. Cornelia Otis Skinner inherited hers from her father. She occupies it today. The turn-over in apartments was, and is slow. I have always consideredmyself lucky and the Lady must have been working overtime in 1955. Pat and I were having dinner with Sally and Kent Cooper when I chanced to mention my [[strikethrough]] amit [[/strikethrough]] ambition to have an apartment in that building. Sally said, "Kent, aren't Kit and Arthur Chase thinking of selling theirs?" Dr. Chase had been Mr. Cooper's physician. We [[He]] was now preparing to retire and, we learned, thinking of moving to Florida. The Coopers arranged for us to meet them. (It was only one of their many kindnesses to Pat.) A more gracious, charming couple never lived. With little or no discussion we came to