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[[letterhead]] Union Carbide]] UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION
270 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 [[/letterhead]]

November 21,1974

The Finch College Museum of Art
62-64 East 78 Street
New York, N. Y. 10021

Attention: Mrs. John Varian


Reference is made to your letter of October 29 requesting the loan of several James Brooks paintings for a major retrospective exhibition during 1975.

As you can imagine, we have received many requests from galleries and museums asking that we lend art for purposes of exhibition.  We appreciate very much the interest and reasons for the museums wanting to exhibit outstanding art, and we are complimented by the implications that we have been fortunate in our purchasing selections which are considered important works of the artist.

Because of the number of requests and in fairness to everyone, we have taken the position, as a policy of the Corporation, that we will refuse to permit removal of paintings for exhibitions.  Needless to say, if we were to concur, it would result in quite a bit of traffic, disturbance and inconvenience to the individuals occupying the offices where the particular paintings are located.  Further, it would add to our problems of maintaining a current inventory of the number of pieces and locations of art owned by the Corporation.

We hope you appreciate our problem under these circumstances, and it is with regret that we find it necessary to decline your request.  On the other hand, we will be most interested to show interested individuals any of our major pieces in the collection.

Very truly yours,
J K Baker
J. K. Baker
