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230 EAST FULTON, GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN 49502 * (616) 459-4676 [[/letterhead]]

November 26, 1974

Ms. Janet Katz
Contemporary Wing
The Finch College Museum of Art
62 - 64 East 78 Street
New York, N.Y. 10021

Dear Ms. Katz:

I continue to be interested in the possibility of the James Brooks exhibition being shown here this summer.  Exhibitions dates for this Museum would need to be August 10 - September 8 or something very close to that. How does such a scheduling work? Could you send me information on the size of the exhibition and thoughts on how expenses will be shared.

Sincerely yours,
Fred Myers
Fred A. Myers


^[[P.S. Have just had a telephone conversation with Stuart Hodge in Flint and agreed that August12-Sept 14 would be acceptable 13- FM]]