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[[backside and reverse of typed letter]]
March 19, 1975

Ms. Mary Curran
Martha Jackson Gallery
32 East 69th Street
New York, New York 10021

Dear Ms. Curran:

Enclosed herewith please find a list of the paintings and one drawing that we are planning to borrow for the James Brooks' show from Martha Jackson Gallery, Harold Hart, David Anderson and Jim Brooks.

Please be good enough to enter on each indicated entry what the particular work should be insured for. Does this correspond to the net price that is indicated on your loan from? Whenever possible I have indicated the MLG identification number. Those without numbers are not listed in your loan forms dated November 6, 1974, January 29, 1974 and January 29, 1974. There are paintings on these loan forms that are not being used in this show and so for clarity of records I might be advisable to issue a new loan form to cover the works definitely now deen chosen to exhibit. 
Many thanks for your help. We look forward to receiving this information as soon as possible. 

Janet Katz

[[/backside and reverse of typed letter]]