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Abstract Painting and Sculpture in America, by Andrew C. Richie, Museum of Modern Art, 1951, reproduction, p.138.

Abstract Painting, by Thomas B. Hess, New York Viking Press, 1951, pp.137-142, reproduction pp.140-141.

Modern Artists in America #1, Motherwell, Reinhardt, Whittenborn-Schultz, New York, 1951, reproduction p. 64, symposium pp.8-22.

Twelve Americans, by Dorthy Miller, Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1956, reproduction p. 14, 16-20.

American Painting Today, by Nathanial Pousette-Dart, Hastings House, New York, 1957. Color reproduction p.63. Statement p.114.

The Story of Modern Art by Sheldon Cheney, Viking Press, New York, 1958, pp.645-646. Reproduction p.645.

Three Hundred Years of American Painting by Alexander Eliot. Time, Inc., New York, 1957, pp.272-72. Reproduction in color.

Modern Art, A Pictorial Anthology by Charles McCurdy. MacMillan Co., New York, 1958. Reproduction p. 177.

Il Documenta "59 (Malerei) by Verlag M. Dumont Schauberg, 1959. Reproductions pp. 112, 113.

A Handbook to the Guggenheim Museum Collection, Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York, 1959(?). Reproduction p. 29.

Art Since 1945 chapter on American Art by Samuel Hunter. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, 1959, pp.324-326. Color reproduction p.135. Reproduction p.166. Also published by Abrams in paperback.

The New American Painting, Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1959. Biography pp.88-89. Statements p.24. Reproductions pp.25,26. Color reproduction p.26.

Modern American Painting and Sculpture by Samuel Hunter. Dell, Laural edition, New York, 1959. Reproduction p.45.

Modern Painting, [[strikethrough]] Recent [[/strikethrough]] Contemporary Trends by Nello Ponente. Skira, 1960. Color reproduction p. 155.

Morphologie Autre by Michael Tapie. 1960.

New Art Around the World pub. by Harry Abrams, New York, 1966. Reproduction.

James Brooks by Samuel Hunter, Whitney Museum and Frederick Praeger, New York, 1963.

American Art of our Century by Goodrich & Baur, Frederick Praeger, 1961. Color reproduction p. 21. 

The World of Abstract Art, by American Abstract Artists. George Wittenborn, New York, 1957. Color reproduction p.5. Reproduction p.122.