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MRS. ELAYNE VARIAN: This is an interview with Virginia Dwan concerning her gallery and her relationship with her artists and what she does for the art world through her gallery. Now in my discussion with Howard Wise, I found that the not only helps his artists, but he does a great deal for museums, of which I was unaware. I knew about one light show, but, that traveled from him to museums , and what was said about him in the catalogue and so forth, but I did'nt realize how many requests he gets not just to....

VIRGINIA DWAN:  At present we have a museum show traveling throughout Europe which came from our show before called ^[["10"]] --- show, and now in Europe called Minimal show ---

[[underlined]] E.V.[[/underline]]: Now, would you give us the name of your show again, that's in Europe.

[[underlined]] V.D. [[/underlined]]: In Europe, it's called Minimal Art, which was not our title. We preferred not to use that title but the Hague Museum in ^[[Holland]] was interested in it as a Minimal show specifically , and they gave it that title.  Since then John Weber has been to Europe on three different occasions. Setting up the show, John Weber is the director of the gallery. To make trips specially to set up the show and be present at the opening of these exhibitions as they travel around Europe and also he has been giving lectures on the subject.

E.V.: Did each museum pay to have this brought over to Europe? And are they paying the freight costs from museum to another?

V.D.: The museums have split it among themselves. They are primarily state museums and that has been done for some time in Europe. The ^[[Spn Kunsthallics]] "kustholtz" to Europe, and in the Latin countries I guess they call it something else, are state owned museums, and they do work together, particularly in the Northern countries to travel their exhibitions and they split their exhibition costs that way.  They use the same catalogue, you see, in this show...


[[right margin]] ^[[Exhibition touring Europe]]