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Key for Using and Understanding Dwan Gallery "Showcodes"

Each showcode can be broken down to 4 parts, as follows:


For Solo exhibitions, the parts have the following meanings:

First two places = artist's initials*

Second two places = NY or LA, depending on location of exhibition

Third two places = 59 through 71, depending on year exhibition opened

After decimal point, the single numeral indicates which of this artist's solo shows this particular one is (the first show would be '.1'; the artist's second show, whether in NY or LA, would be '.2', and so on).

For Group exhibitions, the parts have the following meanings:

First two places = DG(for Dwan Gallery)

Second two places = NY or LA, depending on location of exhibition

Third two places = 59 through 71, depending on year exhibition opened

After decimal point, the single numeral indicates which of this year's group shows at this particular location this particular show is (this first group show in LA in 1960 would be 'DGLA60.1'; the second group show that year would be 'DGLA60.2', and so on).

*Usually, the initials for the artist's first and last name. Exceptions to that general rule are listed below.