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page 3.

26. HALF A GRANDSTAND (SPREAD), (78.20), 1978
wood, fabric and ruler, 72" x 252"

27. SUMMER PLEDGES (SPEAD), (78.24), 1978
wood, fabric, mirror, flourescent tubes
80" x 72" x 26"

28. ROSE POLE (SPREAD), (78.42), 1978
wood, fabric, brush, pillow, frame with glass
85" x 146" x 5"

29. SHELTERED SPIRE (SCALE), (79.27), 1979
wood, fabric, step ladder, bulbs, 96" x 74" x 20"

30. ABSINTHE USA I (SPREAD), (80.5), 1980
wood, fabric, screendoor,mirror,etc., 96" x 109" x 16½"

31. RUSH I (CLOISTER), (80.8) , 1980
wood, paper and plexi box, 98" x 72"

32. FLANK (SIGNAL), (80.18), 1980
wood and cloth, 32" x 32"

33. DART (SIGNAL), (80.24), 1980
wood and cloth, 32" x 32"

34. CHANNEL (SIGNAL), (80.41), 1980
wood and cloth, 32" x 32"

35. SNOWBERRY FUDGE (SPREAD), (80.51), 1980
wood, fabric, wooden chairs and mirror, 95" 126" x 26"

36. CONSUL (SPREAD), (80.52), 1980
wood, fabric and aluminum, 80" x 110" x 26"

37. RUSH (CLOISTER), (80.67), 1980
wood, paper and plexi cover, 98" x 72"

38. HELM (SPREAD), (80.76), 1980
wood and fabric, 96" x 74"

39. TATTOO (SPREAD), (80.79), 1980
fabric, wood; 2 wind socks, and metal, 73" x 96" x 19"