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Dear V. 2PM Monday Sept 30/12

Sonderbund great show
Van Gogh & Gauguin great!
Cezanne didn't hit me so hard.
Am going back again in half an hour-
I met Munch, the Norwegian this morning fine fellow.
Will write mor [[more]] later- Love to all W.

Two Deutsches Reich 5 postage stamps
[[round stamp]] - COLN 30.9.12 5-6N * 9 f [[/round stamp]]

Mrs Walt Kuhn
21 Melrose St
Chevy Chase
Ver. Staaten
N. Amerika


[[left Margin]] Sonder Bund Internat. Kunst Ausstellung Coeln 1919
In Der Ausstellungs - Halle DerStadt Coeln
Am Aachener Tor
25 Mai 30 - Sept 9-7 UHR
[[/left Margin]]

Two Deutsches Reich 5 postage stamps
[[round stamp]] - COLN 2.10.12 4-5N C 1 C [[/round stamp]]

Mrs Walt Kuhn
21 Melrose St
Chevy Chase
Ver. Staaten
N. Amerika

Transcription Notes:
The first g in "Van Gogh" appears to be lowercase, as does the g in "Gauguin". The transcription above does not reflect this. "More" is also missing the "e" in the letter. The transcription has been changed to reflect the writing Actually the 'G's for Van Gogh and Gauguin are the way he writes his capital 'G's as per all his writing.