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Once L. has pedagogical credits, decides against teaching (Had [[strikethrough]] taught [[/strikethrough]] fought previously for art degree at Cooper Union and dissection in Anatomy [[strikethrough]] I. [[/strikethrough]] class. 

Mid to lage 30's: Hoffman, Greenberg sitting in on H's lectures

Rosenberg on WPA art project,
Not writers. L. & Rosenberg
Assistants to Max Spivak

Artists Union
On Executive Comm. (patsy non-com.)

Met Pollock at loft party 1936-7 ?

9th St. bet. B'way & Univ. Pl.

John Graham 
Arranging show of Fr. & Am. painting at MacMillan Gallery
Picasso, Matisse
[[checkmark]] 3 AMS.: Lee
Jackson (living on 8th St.)

[[strikethrough]] Rimbrand [[/strikethrough]] Rimbaud quote: "To whom shall I hire myself out, etc. 
Black - one [[strikethrough]] time [[/strikethrough]] line in ultramarine blue. Tenn. Wms. Fr. Bultman
"Do you like to f-?"