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1936 First meets Jackson Pollock at Artists Union loft party.
1937 July, is fired from the WPA.
Exhibits in a protest show called "Pink Slips Over Culture" sponsored by the Artists Union and the Citizens Committee for Support of the WPA.
August, is re-hired on the WPA.
1937-40 Studies with Hans Hofmann, first at 52 West 9th Street, then in 1938 at 52 West 8th Street. Meets Clement Greenburg through Harold and May Rosenberg.
1939 August, [[strikethrough]] is [[?]] [[strikethrough//]] discharged from the WPA under ruling which discharged all artists employed by it for more than 18 months.
November, is rehired on the WPA.
Works on the executive committee of the Artists Union.
1940 June, first exhibits with the American Abstract Artists Group in their 4th Annual Exhibition at the American Fine Arts Galleries, New York City.
1941 November, John Graham invites her to participate in a show at the McMillen Gallery show, "American and French Paintings," along with Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, Stuart Davis, Waly Kuhn, Picasso, Matisse, Braque, Bonnard and Modigliani. Meets Pollock for a second time as a result of the show. [[handwritten]], and see's him constantly thenafter [[handwritten//]]
May, signs petition to President Roosevelt along with many other artists protesting the deterioration of creative activity on the WPA.
Summer and fall, directs window display project for War Services Division of the WPA.
[[strikethrough]] Fall, shares Pollock's studio at 46 East 8th Street. [[strikethrough//]]
1943 April, employment on WPA ends when art projects are liquidated. Studies drafting to support herself until about July, when Pollock's contract with Peggy Guggenheim permits her to paint full-time.
1944 summers in Provincetown.
1945 Summer, visits eastern Long Island for the first time. 
October 25, marries Pollock at the Marble Collegiate Church on Fifth Avenue and 29th Street. 
November, they move to Springs, East Hampton.
Shows in a group show, "Challenge 67, along with Pollock, Gorky, Gottlieb, Hofmann, Pousette-Dart and Rothko.