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1908 Born October 27, Lenore Krasner in Brooklyn, New York of Russian parents 
1922-25 Attends Washington Irving High School in Manhattan 
1926-29 Attends Women's Art School of Cooper Union 
1928 Attends Art Student's League 
1929-32 Attends National Academy of Design 
1993 Attends City College and Greenwhich House 
1934 Works as an artist on Public Works of Art Project from January until March 
1934-35 Works as an artist for the Temporary Emergency Relief Administration 
1935 August - becomes an assistant on WPA Federal Arts Project Mural Division
1936 First meets Jackson Pollock at Artists Union loft party
1937-40 Studies with Hans Hofmann
1940 Exhibits with American Abstract Artists Group at the American Fine Arts Galleries, New York 
1941 November- is invited by John Graham to participate in show at the McMillen Gallery, New York
1942 Exhibits in McMillen exhibition "American and French Paintings". As result of show meets Pollock for second time and sees him constantly thereafter. 
1945 October 25, marries Jackson Pollock at Marble Collegiate Church, Fifth Avenue, New York
Shows in group exhibition "Challenge to the Critic" at Gallery 67 along with Pollock, Gorky, Gottlieb, Hofmann, Pousette0Dart and Rochko
1946 Little Image paintings start to evolve and terminate in 1949
1951 First solo exhibition at Betty Parsons Gallery, New York
1953 Begins collages
1954 Exhibits in first group show of all women artiest at Hampton Gallery and Workshop, Amagansett, New York 
1956 Travels to Europe for first time 
August 11-Jackson Pollock dies 
1959 Completes two mosaic murals for Uris Brothers, 2 Broadway, New York
Begins umber and off-white series of paintings which terminate in 1962
1965 Major retrospective exhibition at Whitechapel Art Gallery in London which is circulated by the Arts Council of Great Britain to other museums there
Lives and works in New York City and The Springs, East Hampton, New York 

1951 "Paintings 1951, Lee Krasner", Better Parsons Gallery New York
1954 The House of Books and Music, East Hampton, New York 
1955 Stable Gallery, New York
1958 "Lee Krasner, Recent Paintings", Martha Jackson Gallery, New York 
1959 "Lee Krasner, Paintings 1947-1959" Sigma Gallery, East Hampton, New York
1960 Howard Wise Gallery, New York 
1962 "New Works by Lee Krasner", Howard Wise Gallery, New York
1965 "Lee Kraser, Paintings, Drawings and Collages". Retrospective exhibition at Whitechapel Art Gallery, London. Exhibition circulated by the Arts Council of Great Britain to museums in York, Hull, Nottingham, Newcastle, Manchester and "Lee Krasner Gouaches and Drawings", Franklin Siden Gallery, Detroit, Michigan
1967 "Paintings by Lee Krasner," University Art Gallery, University of Alabama, Tuscan
1968 "Lee Krasner, Recent Paintings", Marlborough-Gerson Gallery, New York 
1969 "Lee Krasner, Recent Gouaches", Marlborough-Gerson Gallery, New York
"Lee Krasner, Recent Gouaches,: Reese Palley Gallery, San Francisco
1973 "Lee Krasner, Recent Paintings", Marlborough Gallery, New York 
1973/74 "Lee Krasner, Large Paintings", Whitney Museum of American Art, New York 
1974 Traveling exhibition, Miami-Dade Community College, Miami; Beaver College, Pa;