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Chronology, continued:

1953 Begins collages

1956 Travels to Europe for the first time August -Pollock dies 

1959 Completes two murals for Uris Brothers, 2 Broadway, New York
Begins umber and off-white paintings

1965 Major retrospective exhibition at Whitechapel Art Gallery which subsequently travels through England

1973 Important exhibition at Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, "Large Paintings"

1975 Returns to collage

1978 Included in important exhibition "Abstract Expressionism: The Formative Yeas," organized by the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art and the Whitney Museum of American Art, catalogue by Robert Carleton Hobbs and Gail Levin

Barbara Rose makes film "Lee Krasner; The Long View"

Solo Exhibitions: 

1951 Betty Parsons Gallery, New York, "Paintings 1951, Lee Krasner"

1954 The House of Books and Music, East Hampton, New York 

1955 Stable Gallery, New York

1958 Martha Jackson Gallery, New York 

1959 Sigma Gallery, East Hampton, New York, "Lee Krasner, Paintings 1947-1959" 

Janie C. Lee Gallery 2304 Bissonnet, Houston, Texas, 77005, Telephone (713)523-7306