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R.L. 4

of the painting, than anything else. I many times try to make it as large as I think that particular subject would hold. After a point, there is no point in making a certain thing very large. For instance, some of the studies for larger works are not the scale that they are intended to be. I think I try to get a sense of just how big a certain subject should be and that doesn't have anything to do with where the work is going to be particularly. 

E.V.: Well, do you have anything that you would like to say about artists dealer relationships? Not necessarily your own, but anyone else.

R.L.: Well, not really.

E.V.: I mean like some dealers do large catalogues for their artists and others do other things, and I just wondered what you felt about it.

R.L.: Oh, I don't know, there is nothing wrong with a large catalogue. I don't feel that there much point to it either. It depends, at Leo, for one thing, and I think that it is really a good thing, is that it is a very small gallery. You can only have a limited number of works. And I think it makes for a tighter show and you can select the work, and you don't have to fill in a lot of space. It allows you six paintings to have a show and I like that, it's good for my scale. I don't paint particularly large and I think that it works pretty well for me. I guess it would be silly to have a large brochure on six paintings.

E.V.: If you suddenly did do large work, you could have a warehouse show.

R.L.: Yes, there is really no problem. I don't think you can inflate work that isn't important by giving it a showing in a large place with a big catalogue. I think the important thing is to show if that's important.

E.V.: Yes, it certainly is, especially your work. I thank you very much.

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Transcription Notes:
I did not include the handwriting on the right side of the page has I can not make out what it says and feel that it's not to important? But I could be wrong. --may not be important but included for completeness anyway. SI -- guidance on this?