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September 16, 1963

Mr. Roy Lichtenstein
% Castelli Gallery
4 East 77th Street
New York, N.Y.

Dear Roy:

This long delayed letter is not because I was not
very touched by your thoughtfulness and generosity
in leaving the little picture for me at Castelli's
last Christmas. I don't know what went off the 
track. I gueess Leo was rushed over the holidays
and forgot to give it to me and we left for Europe
shortly after Christmas. What with one thing and
another, the picture was not given to me until the
gallery was about to close last summer and I had no
address to reach you and just kept putting it off
from day to day. Also, I wasn't sure if anything
addressed to the gallery would be forwarded during
the summer. Anyway, better late than never. Both
Burton and I want to thank you. We will look for-
ward to seeing you this fall. We hear exciting
reports on your work for the World's Fair building.

Always sincerely yours,

Emily Hall Tremaine               /gv