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This month
William Rubin is associate professor of art history at Hunter and Sarah Lawrence colleges; he is also a well-known collector of modern American painting and sculpture . . . G.R. Swenson and Ti-Grace A. Sharpless are both regular ARTnews critics; Swenson has been one of the first appreciators of the Pop artists, from their downtown days; Mrs. Sharpless is the founding curator of the new museum at the University of Pennsylvania and organizer of its opening show, the retrospective for Clyfford Still.

Henri Matisse revisited . . . the color mysticism of Alfred Jensen . . . essays on the major winter books . . . articles on Marisol, Michael Goldberg, George Segal.

Editor and President Alfred Frankfurter
Executive Editor Thomas B. Hess
Senior Editor Henry A. La Farge
Editorial Associates
Elizabeth C. Baker, James H. Beck
Michael Benedikt, Lawrence Campbell
Natalie Edgar, Sarah C. Faunce
Jill Johnston, Kim Levin
Lillian Longren, Eleanor C. Munro
Thomas Neumann, Valerie Petersen
Ti-Grace A. Sharpless, G. R. Stevens
Design Director Bradbury Thompson
Production Manager Leo H. Israel
Publisher James McC. Truitt
Vice-Pres.-Sales Gerald A. Cripps

ARTnews is published monthly September through May, quarterly June-July-August, and copyright 1963. by Newsweek, Inc. Address: 4 East Fifty-third Street, New York 22, N.Y. Telephone: Templeton 8-3730; Cable address: Artenews, New York. Subscription rates: $11.50 per year (foreign, $1 additional). $15,45 per year, including ART news ANNUAL (foreign, $1.50 additional). Single copies ARTnews, $1.25. Single copies ARTnews ANNUAL, $5.95.

Credits: Bacon cover color photograph, October 1963, by Robert Mates; November cover and p. 32, by Eric Pollitzer.

The Editor welcomes and is glad to consider MSS and photographs sent with a view to publication. When unsuitable for publication and if accompanied by return postage, every care will be exercised toward their return, although no responsibility for their safety is undertaken. Under no circumstances will the custody of any object of art whatever be accepted if sent to the magazine unsolicited for inspection. No opinions on authorship, authenticity or valuation can be given, nor can the magazine act as intermediary in sales. The complete contents of each issue of ARTnews are indexed in The Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature monthly and in The Art Index, published quarterly and available in public libraries. The name, cover, colorplates and contents of ARTnews are protected by copyright in the U.S.A. and in foreign countries and may not be reproduced in any manner in whole or in part, without written consent. Title registered U.S. Patent Office, Washington, D.C. Entered as second-class matter Feb. 5, 1909. Second-class postage paid at New York, N.Y., other mailing offices.

Sixty-second year of continuous publication
Volume 62, Number 7 November 1963
ARTnews Founded 1902

What is Pop Art? 24 Interviews by G.R. Swenson
Answers from 25 Roy Lichtenstein
25 Jim Dine
26 Andy Warhol
27 Robert Indiana
'Il bon disegno' from Chicago 29 Alfred Frankfurter
Ellsworth Kelly: The big form 32 William Rubin
'Freedom...absolute and infinitely exhilarating' 36 Ti-Grace A. Sharpless
Entering public domain 40
Elias Goldberg paints a picture 42 Lawrence Campbell

Major illustrations

Torpedo-Los 24 Roy Lichtenstein
View of St. Peter's in Rome 28 J.A.D. Ingres
Four studies of Italian actors 31 Ellsworth Kelly, coloplate
1963-A 39 Clyfford Still
The Late Player 41 Orazio Gentileschi, colorplate
The City 42 Elias Goldberg, colorplate


Editor’s letters 6
Art news international 8
Coming auctions 10
Reviews and previews 12
Art news from Chicago 20 Franz Schulze
Editorial 23
Art news from Paris 46 Pierre Scheider
Art news from London 47 John Russell 
Competitions, scholarships 68 
When and where to exhibit 68
The exhibition calendar 68


Detail from 1947-J, a 68-inch-high painting by Clyfford Still. It is included in the retrospective exhibition for this influential and little-seen painter which opens the new Institute of Contemporary Art of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia [see article on p. 35].