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Benedek Fine Art
985 Fifth Avenue
New York, N.Y. 10021

March 14, 1974

Mr. & Mrs. Burton Tremaine, Jr
Center Street
Meriden, Conn

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Tremaine:

     I am a private art dealer in New York specializing in the purchase and sale of important 20th century paintings on a discreet basis. My clients are museums and wealthy private individuals who have a keen eye for quality and style. I would be interested in making an attractive offer on your Lichtenstein; "Femme Au Chateau" 1962. I would be happy to visit with you and discuss the matter in depth.

     Please call me collect at area code 212-952-5832 or 215-RH4-2333. References will be furnished on request.

Very Truly yours, 

A. Richard Benedek
a. Richard Benedek

ARB: cg