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2 November

Dear Esther:

I've been meaning, for weeks, to write you. And now your letter this morning. I'm amiss as I so often am. But you'll forgive me.

What wonderful news. Around here it's felt - from the conversations I've heard - that Mr. H.D.V. is going to be quite a loss. There seems to be no great enthusiasm for the new man. But I never know what to make of all this. Anyway, I'm sure Mr. D.V. is greatly respected and will continue to write for important mags and to have an important position in American art circles. That he should call in the first place - that is Quite an Honor. And then that he should feel as he does - that should make you very, very happy indeed. Well you so deserve this. It has - hasn't it - been an important year for you. And I'm sure you feel it as beginning more important periods. Periods and rewards you have earned, by yourself and by your work. So many just walk into situations made for them by others. And all that is the beginning of, is the end. Whatever glories accrue they're falsely come by. I suppose early successes are very difficult to weather eve when they have been earned. I think that later you'll more fully realize the great value of the years in which you were, in important ways, alone. From such periods there is a richer development. Oh - the distractions of pleasure!!!!

E. got off to Europe on October 5th - left here that day and sailed from MYC on the 7th. Jane, who had been driving her around England until they left there last Thursday, sails for home this Thursday. I suppose she and Leslie will be up, during November, to do a bit of work in their new Saratoga home. Did I tell you, maybe Leslie was here and mentioned in when you were, that they bought a house opposite the Slade house in which E. has an apartment and next to E.'s built house? Leslie and Jane are such a fine couple. It will be nice to have them for neighbors.

May Swenson is due, this afternoon, for a month's visit. After all these years - she was last here in 1952 - it will be fun to see her. I did see her, but briefly, when I went to NYC a few springs ago, to spend a weekend with Elizabeth Bishop who was at Yaddo the last fall May was here.

We're 7. Gordon Binkerd, a most beautiful composer, now on a Guggenheim year. (And may you soon be on one!!) And 2 poets: husband and wife, Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath. And a printmaker-painter, Authur Deshaies. And Howard Rogovin, a nice, nice young man who took over Hyde's job in early September. he's to be here until E. gets back in early December.

At that time I start on my 4 weeks vacation. I'm hoping to stay here until mid December and work for myself. Before going home for the last 2 weeks. There I can never work for myself and the half