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Oct. 12. 1959

Dear Esther!

Please forgive the many weeks of silence following your kind letter. Ever since I returned from Afghanistan, I was overactive to say the least. Now I am happily planning to take a week's rest in Switzerland, where I am invited for my exhibit.

I am ever so pleased with the prospect of seeing you in France within the near future. I do wish your Israel plan will work out the way you wish it. I know you will find a great many points of interest there, many subjects will strike your vision and excite your imagination. It may be that we shall meet in Israel, there is a possibility of my returning to the excavations once again.

My mother and Ferdie are with me now they came on a month holiday and seem to be well exhausted from all the theaters, museums etc - I organized for them to see.

Wishing you all the very best of success with your work and plans - I am sending you my very best of love - Terry