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Hotel Saint Romain
5 - 7 rue Saint Roch
Paris 1er 

July 19th

Very dear Esther,

Enjoyed your long letter very much indeed. I hope you are managing some how now you are back in New York. at a difficult season as you say you have plenty ideas and personality to help you out; but still it is not an easy time to live through.  There will be light at the end of the vista however, and an amusing adventure. - 

I had a letter from Elizabeth Ames. One is never sure she can realize her plans. The European idea may well because of situations that develope. She is sending me a photograph of herself. If I had had one, when I tried to get Andrew Weyeth to make a drawing of her for the corporation of "Yaddo" - I might have succeeded. - for she is somewhat his type.  Some day if I have the chance I may try again, that is if I am in his part of the country; say nothing of this however. It is a passed story. 

I think your idea for Polly's portrait is wonderful. It is an ambitious idea but then they are the most stimulating. She is quite a type worth setting down especially surrounded by her symbols. If you write to her send her my love. I am not so much of a letter writer as you know - and as I write to Elizabeth it is difficult to write to two persons in the same house.

Elizabeth and Polly have been mutually most important to each other. Clifford separated them some at one time - I think: - for he did not like Elizabeth-