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[[three columns each]]

|Amnesty | Proclamation of Vol 1. P.1. |   |
|   | Oath of pleaded | Vol 3 p 82.|
|Academy | at East Knoxville Tenn. | Vols. P.9. |
|Analostan | Property at to be returned | Vol 1 P.26 |
|Arbitration | Boards of for protection of laborers | Vol.12. E#15.|
|Armory | Confederate in Georgia | Vol. 9. S#201.|
|   | New, at Augusta, Georgia | Vol. 10.276. Vol. 11. 288|
|   | Hall-Savannah, Georgia | Vol 11. 290. |

[[Right Page Below]]
|Asylums | for Orphans at Pt of Rocks Md. | Vol 1. P.53.|
|   |Fuel&straw for at Camp See (la C & F & S) | Vol 3 p276.|
|   | for Cold. Orphans at Memphis Tenn (RuO) | Vol. 2 p. 273,277. |
|   | at Fernandina Fla. | Vol. 5 p.[[Note above numbers]] Vol 4 [[/Note above numbers]] 141.244. |
|   | at Lauderdale Miss. | Vol. 4. p. 344, Vol. 8.L #103.|
|   | at Helena Arkansas | Vol 4 p. 389|
|   | Magnolia (see M) | Vol. 6.p.161.169.|
|   | at Georgetown. D.C. | Vol. 8 C #319 Vol. 9 T #121.|
|   | at Magnolia. Fla. | Vol. 8 F #234. Vol 10. 138.139.145.|
|   | at Lauderdale. Miss. | Vol. [[?]] #103. Vol. 9.R#20. Vol 10. 201. 298.|
|   | at New Orleans, La. | Vol. 8 L #226. Vol.9. C#62 D#15.|
|   | at Memphis, Tenn. | Vol. 8 C#368 P.#175.P.#179.T #331. Vol.9. C #140 T #84.#122.#143.#155.#68.#161.|
|   | Insane- Tennessee | Vol. 9. T#9. #11.|
|   |  Colored Orphan, at Little Rock, Ark. | Vol. 9. A#87.#225.|
|   | Colored Orphan, Baltimore Md. | Vol. 9. B#84|
|   | Colored Orphan, Charlestown, S.C. | Vol. 9 #F#27. S#139|
|   | For destitutes at Wilmington N.C. recommends | Vol 9. A#138.|
|   | Catholic, at Mobile. aid and Subsistence required for | Vol. 10. 18.|
|   | Natchez Orphan Assistance for| Vol 10.19.|
|   | rental of building for proposed Charleston | Vol 10. 340|
|   | Memphis Colored Orphan| Vol. 10 277. 290. 373. 374.|
|   | for old Ladies. Charleston S.C. Aid for | Vol 10 340.|
|   | Orphan. right of way to 7th st. Washington, D.C. | Vol.11.84.|
|   | Freedmen's Orphan at Magnolia Fla| Vol. 11. 121. 123. 125. 127|
|   | National at Columbus, Ohio | Vol. 11. 204|
|   | Gov't Insane. Washington D.C. | Vol. 11. 206.|
|   | Orphan transfer for orphans to, at Memphis, Tenn. | Vol. 11. 401.|
|   | Cold. orphan. funds from discontinued Hospls. to be expended for requests | Vol. 11. 445.|
|   | St. Patricks male orphan Rich. Va. Rations for | Vol. 11. 457. |
|(Catholic Orphans | at Charlestown, S.C. aid and rations asked for | Vol. 12.  S#177.|
|Catholic Orphans | at Charlestown, S.C. apprpn for | Vol. 12.L#38. S#28.158.186.|
|Catholic Cold Orphan| and schools at Helena, Ark. | Vol. 12 L. #92. A#50.|
|Caufield Cold. Orphan | Apprpn for at Nashville, Tenn. | Vol. 12. T#67.94.108.|
|Catholic Orphans | discontinuance of at Magnolia, Fla. | Vol. 12.F77.|
|Catholic Orphan | estimated cost of in Arkansas. |Vol.121.A#220.|
|Catholic Orphan | clothing for inmates of Atlanta Ga. | Vol. 12 G#174.|

Transcription Notes:
On the right side of the page there is a vertical line between the places and the Vol. nos. But sometimes the Vols. start before the line and sometimes after. I wasn't sure how to divide these sections, so for consistency, I put all of the vols. as starting in the third column. I did the same for the first page, as there was the same discrepancy. I'm not convinced all of the "Vol 1." are volume 1 or just "Vol.", so I left them the first transcriber interpreted it.