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[[3 Columned Table]]
--- | --- | ---
Accounts |   |
   | Settlement of for Colored Soldiers (See S.) | Vol 2. p. 38. 
   | Settlement of Public Officers Vol 4. p. 7. 
   | For medical services paid by Surg. in [[?]] | Vol. 13. E #63.
Assessment | of freedman | Vol 3 p 294.
Arsenal | U.S. at Chattahoochie Fla. | Vol. 4 p 171. Vol 8. F.#177. #204. #223. #234. O.#22.
   | at Fayetteville | Vol. 8. O.#29. W.#233. S#75.
   | Confederate in Georgia | Vol 9. S#201.
   | at Augusta, Ga. | Vol. 11. 288 Vol 12. G#320.
   | at Macon. Ga. | Vol 11. 288
Agents | La Officers. | 
Assassination | of Capt Backer Ark | Vols. p. 387.
   | attempted of Bureau Officers in Arkansas | Vol. 12 A#277.

Transcription Notes:
rearranged; transcribed first page before transcribing the 2nd page rather than transcribing left to right YES!! Part was left out. Fixing, and putting into a table.