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[[3 Columned Table]]
--- | --- | --- 
Assistant Commissioner | Pay of in Florida | Vol 2. p 154.
   | Recommendation for  of Ala. | Vol. 8th #A396.
   | of Tenn. Authority to sell Gun Factory at Nashville, Tenn. and Powder May 2nd Memphis Tenn. requests | Vol. 11. 396.
   | of Tenn. requests information relative to Cold imigration to Liberia. | Vol. 11. 398.
Agricultural Implements | [[Can?]], be furnished private parties by Bureau | Vol. 9 A#4. #42. 
Attorney | claim of for freedmen (See C) | Vol 4 p.59
   | employment of by Bureau | Vol 10. 238.
   | authority to pay for services rendered to freedpeople at St. Cath. Isld. Ga. requests | Vol. 11. 150.
   | authority to pay for services rendered to freedpeople before Mil Comm'r Charleston S.C. | Vol. 11. 336.
   | payment of, for services to freedmen &c. | Vol. 12. A#266. M#59, V#146. W#45. G#207.
   | Genl. opinion of, or regard to compensation of Officers | Vol. 13. A#547.