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| June 6, 1865 #7 * | Brown O. Capt & A.Q.M. Asst. Com'r for Va. | Richmond Va, June 1, 1865  Reports arrival, and establishment of Hd. Quarters at Richmond Va, May 31, 1865. Call attention to necessity for an order from War Dept. to prevent the Freedmen, from removing from one State to another until the Bureau is fully organized.  file. |

| June 7, 1865 #8 | Barnard R.W.  Col. & Sup't Freedmen Dep't Commd'r | Nashville Tenn May 30 - 1865. Report of condition of Freedmen in his Department, Encloses statement of Camps, with remarks. (one encl) 
[[note]] Referred to Brig. Gen. Fisk Asst. Com. for Ky & Tenn, for his information. [[/note]] |

| June 9 1865 #9 | Bradley W.A. | Washington June 6th 1685  Requests that "Analastan" may be returned to his possession. [[note]] Referred to Col. Eaton Asst Com'r [[/note]]    |

| June 8, 1865 #10 * | Brown O. Capt & A.Q.M. Asst. Com'r for Va. | Richmond Va. June 2 1865.  Suggestions for the guidance of this Bureau in Virginia. |

| June 7. 1865 #11 * | Blake J.A. Capt 3rd Va. Asst. Com'dg | H. Qrs. Mil. Prison and Camp Distribution Camp Hamilton Va. May 30. 1865. Requests transportation for a family of ten persons to New Orleans La. [[note]] Transfer furnished see L B June 8, 1865. [[/note]] |

| June - 1865 #12 * | Brown J.M. Capt & A.Q.M. | Washington May 19th 1865 Forwards report of Freedmen's Camp, Govt Farms and property under his charge. file. (one encl) |

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| June 6. 1865 #13 * | Buford N.P. Brig. General. | Newberryport Mass. June 1. 1865  Letter in regard to the Colonization of the blacks. Encloses letter of Dec 19 1862, and Feb'y 19th 1863 to the President upon the same subject. file. |

| June 16. 1865 #14 * | Brown O. Col & Ass't Com'r for Va. | Richmond Va. June 12, 1865  Reports that he has seen Gen Ord and delivered letters. He is willing to turn over the management of Negro affairs but can spare no Officers. Request the War Department to detail 3 A.Q.M.'s & twenty five Officers. encloses names. file. |

| June 11, 1865 #15 * | Brown O. Col. Asst Com'r for Va. | Richmond Va. June 11, 1865.  Encloses nomination of Chap'n R.M. Manly as temporary Sup't of Schools at Hampton Va. Nominates Prof W.H. Woodbury for Supt of Schools for State of Va. file. (one Encl) [[note]] See LB June 16, 1865 [[/note]] |

| June 1865 #16 | Bridgeman Geo. | Washington D.C. Feb'y 24. 1865.  Makes application to have "Deep Branch Farm" restored to him.  [[note]] See W 283. Vol 11. 1867. E.B. page 9. 1865. From Sec'y of War [[/note]] | 

| June 20, 1865 #17 | Bing Saml Chairman &c  | Charleston S.C. June 15th 1865 Requests that a colored man be appointed for Management of Freedmen's Affairs at Charleston S.C. [[note]] Referred to Major Gen'l R Saxton Ass't Com'r for So. Carolina. [[/note]] |

Transcription Notes:
Edited - don't forget *. entry #16 unfinished L B = Letter Book. A.Q.M. = Acting Quartermaster Com'dg - Commanding Com'r - Commissioner Manley or Manly - I have seen both.