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| June 20. 1865 #18 * | Brown O. Capt. & Asst Com'r Virginia | Richmond Va. June 11, 1865  Requests that the farm of Rev'd John Strong at Pt. of Rocks be turned and to Bureau of Refugees, &c. for benefit of Freedmen. Also articles named, belonging to Hospital at Point of Rocks.  file. |

| June 21. 1865 #19 * | Brown O. Capt & Asst Com'r Virginia. | Richmond Va. June 19th 1865  States in reply to communication, that the Freedmen have not been compelled as a rule to go to Richmond. The statement about passes is true but the evil has been remedied. Schools are in operations &c.  file. |

| June 21. 1865 #20. * | Brown O. Capt Asst Com'r for Virginia | Richmond Va. June 15 1865.  Forwards copy of instructions to Lt Merrill, also form of agreement for labor; and census return of Colored people. (3 enclosures)  file. |

| June 25. 1865 #21 | Brown O. Col. Ass't Com'r for Virginia | Richmond Va. June 25th 1865  Requests that Gov't Buildings at City Point Va. not required for Military purposes, be turned over to this Bureau for School purposes quarters &c. E.B. page 13, 1865.  See Letter from A.G.O. (A. 19. 1865) |

| June 27. 1865 #22. | Brown O. Col. Ass't Com'r for Va.  | Richmond Va. June 24, 1865  Requests the detail of Capt Dan'l M. Ford 8th New Jersey Vols. to report to him. E.B. page 13, 1865 (Fow'd by Sec'y of War June 28, 1865) (See S.O. 341 Ex 30 A.G.O. June 29, 1865) |


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| June 22, 1865 #23 * | Brown O Col & Ass't Com. for Va. | Richmond June 22, 1865 Submits statement in regard to the farm of one Strachan, and asks that it be set apart for public uses. (one enclosure)  file 
States what he considers a fair rate of compensation for labor. Estimates the number of people at 400,000 of which 100,000 will need assistance. (one enclosure) (file)  
Wishes to know if under G.O. 110 War Dep't he has the right to demand rentals from city lots, from Treasury Agents, or the possession of such property. (Three papers filed together) | 

| June 29. 1865 24 * | Brown O. Col & Asst. Comr for Va. | Richmond Va. June 28. 1865  Reports, in reply to communication of 24th inst. that about two hundred and fifty teachers have been employed in that state the last year. That the schools are nearly all closed. Thinks that from 1500 to 2000 teachers can be employed next term. file. |

| July 1. 1865 #25 | Brown O. Col. and Ass't. Com'r | Richmond, Va. June 30, 1865. States that he has heard that Capt W.N. Felt C.S has received an order to be mustered out. He was assigned to this Bureau by S.O. 228, June 8, 1865; War Department A.G.O. Requests that he may be retained in service if possible. Referred to Com. Gen'l of subsistence July 23. 1865 see S.O. 357 Ex 18 A.G.O. July 8/65 |  

Transcription Notes:
Reopened and edited mistakes. &c. Com'r - Commissioner City Point is now called Hopewell, it did exist in the Civil War days. Entry #23 p. 29 had 3 reports in one; I kept them together for clarity, not sure how to format.