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| Sept 10. 1865 #75 | Benton Elliott H. 1st Lieut 4" Regt 1st A.C. | Camp Chase Ohio  Sept 7th 1865   Asks to be assigned to duty in Bureau R F & A L Forw'd to A.G.O. ​Is this detail practicable, if so I desire it. |
| Sept 10 1865 #76 | Brown O Col Asst Com'r for Va. | Richmond Va Sept 6, 1865  Returns five requisition for transportation for'd to him on 1st inst. calling attention to end. of Ch'f Q.M. Dept of Va, who says he cannot furnish the transportation unless ordered by Sec'y of War. (six encls) Ref'd Sept 12 to Q.M. Gen'l who is requested to give orders for the transp'n on enclosed requisition and others similar. |

| Sept 11 1865  #77 | Benjamin H N. Major  Com'dg 185 N.J. | Eminence, Ky. Aug't 18. 1865  Asks if G.O. 129 applies to Slaves in Ky. Ret'd Sept 12 G.O. 129  A.G.O. does not, it is considered apply to those colored persons still legally held as slaves. |

| Sept 10 1865 # 78 | Brown O Col Asst Comr for Va E.B. 74 Retd to Col Brown Asst Com'r Sept 13, 1865 | Richmond Va Sept 7 1865 Forward application of Maj. Everton for the restoration of the Schooner "Planter". Stating that the was scuttled and sunk in Blackwater River to save her from the "Yankees".  The owner Major Everton was a noted secessionist. She was raised by a man named Hillyard who was to have her for taking her away.  A military commission decided that the man should be paid and the vessel taken by the Military.  She is borne on Q.M. papers. |


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| Sept 10 1865 #79 | Brown O Col Asst Comr for Va  File Copy of estimate on file | Richmond Va Sept 8 1865  Forwards Estimate of Quartermasters stores by Lt H.S. Merrill for use by Bureau Refugees &c State of Va for the Quarter ending Sept 30 1865. 
For'd Sept 13 for App'l of Sec'y of War Rec'd back Oct 20 1865 |  

| Sept 13 1865 #80 | Benford T S | Somerset Pa  Sept 11 1865  Asks information as to how he shall obtain the services of colored female servants in  his family. | 

Sept 12 1865  #81 | Brown O Col Asst Comr for Va  EB Page 76 1865  Retd Sept 14 to Col Brown Asst Comr | Richmond Va   Sept 10 1865   Forwards request of Capt E H Tobey to be retained in services after the muster out of his reg't &c Ref'd Sept 13 to Capt Spring in Emp't Agcy for answer |

| Sept 10 1865  #82 | Brown O Col Asst Comr of Va EB page 77, 1865. Ret'd to Col Brown Asst Com'r Sept 14. 1865 | Richmond Va  Sept 8 1865  Suggests the propriety of returning all Freedmen of the pauper class to the Counties to which they belong, and taxing each county to support its own paupers. |

| Sept 15 1865  #83 | Brown J M Capt and AQM Fow'd Sept 15 Approved | Washington Sept 15 1865 Reports that the occupier of an Office part of the building 132  Pr. Ar. it being the abandoned property of French Forrest late of Rebel Army. W.B. Todd claims to have purchased this property at a tax sale and I have been served with a writ of ejectment, damages at $3500.  Claims the protection of the U.S. Govt. (2 encs) |

Transcription Notes:
missing alot of punctuation....end.= Endorsement