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| Sept 17b 1865 #84 | Ballantyne Wm  Chairman Dist Com USCC  |  Washington Sept 16 1865  Finds in closing up the affairs of Chinatown Comn ten or twelve boxs of small books, which they desire to offer for distribution to Freedmens Bureau. Ref'd to Col Eaton Sept 18 who will please give his attention to this matter. |

| Sept 17. 1865  #85 | Brown O Col  Asst Comr of Va  Sept 19 65 | Richmond Va  Sept 15 1865  Forwards requisitions of Cap C B Wilder AQM Approved and fowd to Secy of War for his approval in accordance with existing orders.  Rec'd bk Oct 13 approved.  Same day Returned to Col Brown inviting attention to end of Secy of War.  |

| Sept 19 1865  #86 | Brown O Col Asst Comr of Va   | Richmond Va  Sept 15 1865  Forwards estimates for stationary of state of Va for Quarter ending Sept 30 1865 Fow'd Sept 19 to Secy of War for his orders in the promises. |

| Sept 21 1865  #87 | Bohannan D W   Capt and Supt | Fredericksburg Va  Sept 1 1865  Requests that he be furnished with necessary orders on the Q.M. Dept for forage, building for office &c. Ret'd Sept 21 thro Col Brown,  All papers must pass thro' this regular channels |

| Sept 21 1865  #88 | Brown O  Col Asst Comr    | Richmond Va  Sept 19 1865  Fow'd approved, application of Capt W.S. How AQM Supt 6 Dist Va, for transpn for destitute freedmen from Staunton to places named within. Ret'd Sept 20 to Col Brown to know if these people are dependent on the Bureau for support.   |

|  Sept 23 1865  #89 | Brown D R Asst Surg   | Norfolk Va Spet 6 1865 Requests  to be transferred to Bureau RF&AL for duty in Va  Endorssed by Surg Horner Med DIv "Nothing can be done until the return of the Surg. Genl when his consent is be asked (Fow'd by Col Brown Asst Comr)  Sept 23 Ret'd to Col Brown and attention invited to end of Med Dir of Bureau|

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| Sept 2 1865 #90 | Bradley J T  | St Louis Mo  Sept 21 1865  Asks for information as to the best way to obtain the pay of two colored women for services in Batesville Hospital Ark. for Jan to June 1864. Miller McGee and Lucinda Washington  Sept 25 to Gen Sprague for such action as he may  deem necessary.  The writer has been inf'd of ref.  |

|  Sept 26 1865  #91 | Adjutant General's Office  C W Foster AAG  
 | Adjt Genls Office  Sept 26 1865  Returns telegram of Maj Genl Howard dated Lynchburg Va, Sept 24 Enclosing one from Brig Gen Sprague Asst Comr "who is informed by Gen Reynolds that officers of Freedmen's Bureau who are to be mustered out, cannot be replaced by details from his Dept"  with attention invited to enclosed copy of telegram to Ben Reynolds directing him to retain in service Officers on duty in  his Dept in Freedmans Bureau.  Requesting to be informed when these officers can be relieved from said duty. This paper marked (A-73-1865) (3 encls) Refd to Genl Sprague Asst Comr Sept 21 who will please relieve said officers and report when he can do so.  |

| oct 1 1865  #92 | Brown O  Col Asst Comr of Va  | Richmond Va Sept 29 1865  Returns papers in the case of Capt Armes late Asst Supt 5 Dist. W.H. & A. 72. 1865  Enclosed in "A" 349 Vol 8.  Oct 4 Ref'd to Col Eaton for invest'n and report papers to be returned |

| May 31 1865  #93 | Bloor Alfred J  | Chicago Illinois Jany 11th 1865  Application for position in Freedmens Bureau File Ans from No 2 May 27th |

| May 1865  #94 | Buckingham Goodcil   | Washington D C March 11 65  Applies for position File Former War Department |