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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Reeived. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 11 1865 #140 * | Birdsall S H. RQM 1st USCT. File Ansd Jun 12 1865. | Venango Pa June 8th 1865. Requesting that his application for detail now on file be examined and favorably considered. |

| Jun 13 '65 #141 * | Blake Rev Chas M. late Hosptl Chapln USA File | Washington DC June 12 1865. Enclosing letters from Maj Genl Geary and Major SL Eaton - refers to letter of 16 ult and asks attention to papers on file in W.D |

| June 23rd 1865 #142 * | Binman S W Col. File Answered by letter June 24 1865 - See Letter Book. | Baltimore Md -June 23d 1865 Report concerning money in his hands. |

| June 21 1865. #143 * | Breed W P Chairman File Ans June 21 65 - See Letter Book | Philidelphia Pa June 13th 1865. Asking free transportation for missionaries among the freedmen |

| July 12th 1865 #144 * | Barnes Stewart Capt & AQ.M File | Petersburg Va Jul 9th 1865. Giving an account of the suffering among the Sold people in the vicinity of City Point and Point of Rock Va. |

| July 14 1865. #145 * | Butler. Benj F Maj Genl File Answered July 14 1865. See [[?]] Letter Book. | Lowell Mass July 12 1865, Asks that the Hospital building at Point Rock be not permitted to go back into the hands of the former disloyal owner. |  


| July 9th 1865 #146 * | Blake Anson File Ans July 16.65 See LB of date | New York July 13 1865 In regard to giving Freedmen employment on the Pacific Railroad |

| July 18th 65 #147. * | Blatchford John S US. S.C File | Washington DC July 15 1865. Transmits copy of the minutes (Extract) of the US Sanitary Commission | 

| July 18th 1865. #148. * | Burnitz David G Genl Treasury Ag't File Receipt acknowledged July 1865. See LB of that date | Cincinnati Ohio July 17th 1865 Transmits Copies of Maps |

| Aug 1st 1865. #149 * | Belcher Edwin File | Richmond Va. July 28th 1865, Wants information and assistance to recover his estate that belongs to him, that was disposed of illegitimately through Confederate Channels not long since. |

| Aug 22d 1865 #150. * | Bennett S W File | New York. Aug 20 1865. In relation to the appointment of weighers of cotton for the Southern States |

| Sept 8th 1865 #151 * | Beal G S Brig Genl File Tran A.G.O | Darlington SC August 23rd 1865 Submits final report as Commander of the Mil Dist Eastern SC up to the 24 inst |

Transcription Notes:
11/7 - all done Town name of Venango verified online. changed "RGM" to "RQM" (Quarter Master)