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[[three columned table]]
| When Received | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |
| August 1, 1865 #182 | Brought forward from page 56 Brown O  Col Asst Com  File | Richmond Va July 28 1865  Forwards applications for restoration of property and asks if it is competent for him to restore property |

| July 24 1865 #183. | Brown O  Col Asst Com File | Richmond Va  July 20 1864   Enclosing certified copies of order of Gen'l Terry directing W L James Chief Q M and financial agt to turn over $10,000 for use of Bureau |

| July 22 1865  #184 | Brown O  Col Asst Comr  File  | Richmond Va July 20 1865  Calling attention to the difficulties which the Bureau is laboring under in Va |

| July 22 1865 #185 | Brown O  Col and Asst Comr  File  | Richmond Va  July 20 1865  Asks instructions in the matter of transportation |

| July 31 1865 #186 | Brown O Col Asst Com   File | Richmond Va  July 27 1865  Reports that nearly 3000 freed people in Va have been forcibly deprived of their liberty and compelled to labor without compensation |

| #187. | Brown O  Col Asst Comr  File | Richmond Va  Transmits form for statistics for the purpose of obtaining such information as may tend to unite the families of Freedmen throughout the South. |


[[three columned table]]
| When Received | Name of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter |
| --- | --- | --- |
| June 29 1865 #188 | Brown O  Col and Asst Comr  File  | Richmond Va 1865  Address to the freedmen of Va |

| June 20 1865 #189 | Brown O  Col Asst Com  File | Norfolk Va June 19 1865 States that reports are reaching his that lead him to believe that Capt Stuart Barnes A.Q.M. is not the man for the Bureau |

| June 9 1865  #190 | Brown O Col Asst Comr  File | Norfolk Va  June 6 1865  In relation to price of negro labor in Va as fixed by Farmers of the State.  Asks instructions &c. |

| June 19 1865  #191 | Brown O  Capt Asst Comr File | Richmond Va  June 15 1865  Forwards a "Southern reason" why confiscation should go on |

| June 25 1865 #192 | Brown O Col Asst Comr  File | Richmond Va  June 18 1865 States that the freedmen are capable of supplying themselves with clothing and med attendance and suggests that they be allowed to do so in their contracts |

| June 23 1865 #193 | Brown O Col Asst Comr  File | Richmond Va  June 21 1865 Acknowledging receipt of com of 16th inst and explaining "List of Lands" previously sent.  |

| July 6 1865 #194 | Brown O Col Asst Comr  File | Richmond Va July 14 1865  Introducing Lieut H S Merrill A A Q M and Supt Freedmen |