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| Aug 28 1865 #79 * | Carson J Pollander File | Westmorland Co Va  July 30 1865  Gives an account of the treatment of US Soldiers toward the colored people of said County- |

| June 16 1865 #80 * | Cinch A. B. File See June 12 1865 | Morris Grundy Co Ills.  May 26 1865.  Desires information in relation to Abandoned or Confiscated Lands in Southern States |

| July 25 1865. #81 * | Crawford S. P. Pastor ME. Church. File Ansd July 31 1865. | Lexington Ky  July 18. 1865  Asks that copies of orders and circulars indicated the policy of the Freedmens Bureau be sent him |

| July 16 1865. #82 *| Chase A H Cor Secy Western Freedmen M.  File | New Lyme Ashtabula Co Ohio July 10 1865 Call attention to the condition of the Freedmens from Cairo up the Ohio River |

| August 11 1865 #83 * | Crosby S Schuyler Bvt Lt Col and A.A.A.G  File | New Orleans La June 29th 1865 Acknowledging receipt of communication of 24 inst relative to applications for appointments of Supts of Freedmen |

| August 15 1860 #84 * | Coffin Levi and two others. File | Chicago Ill August 15th 1865. Telegram |

| Sept 2 1865 #85 * | Camp C  Chairman  File | Hd Qrs Freedmens Aid Assoct'n. New Orleans La Aug 2 1865 Transmits Petition in behalf of Rev Mr. Conway |


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| Sept 2 1865 #86 * | Flanders Benj K and others  File | New Orleans La Aug 14 1865. Petition in behalf of Rev M F Conway Ass't Com for La, whose removal from office has been agitated |

| Sept 4 1865 #87 * | Chauncy E D Corresponding Secretary File | Boston Mass August 31 1865 Reports the organization of Society, number of teachers &c number of schools; and asks was formation in regard to the cooperation of Freedmens Bureau. |

| Sept 14 1865 #89 * | Casy Frazier & Co  Naval Claim Agency  File | Washington DC Sept 13 1865 States any business is extended to their care as Agent or Attorneys it will be attended with promptness Enclosing letter of J W Casey Esq |

| Sept 20 1865 #90 * | Conway John  File  Ansd Sept 20 1865. | Rochester Pa Sept 19 1865. Requests that two colored men be furnished him for labor |

| Sept 20 1865 #91 * | Craig S A Capt 14th Regt VRC  File. | Indianapolis Ind Sept 15 1865 Reporting for duty in compliance with SO #145 H'd Qr's Dist of Ind. Bvt Maj Gen A P Henry Comdg dated Sept 14 1865. |

| May 1865. #92 * | Clarke William Penn.  File  From War Dept | Washington DC April 11th 1865. Solicits an appointment as Ass't Commissioner |


Transcription Notes:
11/7 - all done and formatted per SI