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| July 6. 1865 #6 * | Farney  J.W. | Philadelphia Pa. July 3. 1865. Calls attention to letter of Paschal Morris' manufacturer of Agricultural Department &c & recommends him for the patronage of his Bureau &c. (Letter of Mr Morris enclosed) Referred to Col Brown Asst Com'r and attention called to Morris Collins' offer (July 7, 1865) Recd. bk. with report July 14, 1865 and same day returned to writer (E.B. p.25. - 1865 |
| July 11. 1865 #7. * | Fisk C.B. Brig Gen'l Ass't Com'r for Ken. & Tenn. See Letter to Att'y Gen'l July 1865 | Nashville Tenn. July 5. 1865 Reports certain tracts of Abandoned Land in Tenn., & Ala, in his charge for use of refugees freedmen. file |
| July 11. 1865 *8 * | Fisk  C.B. Brig Gen'l. Ass't Com'r for Ky & Tenn. See L.B. July 6. 1865 | Nashville Tenn. July 5. 1865 Requests list of Special Agents of the Treasury having charge of Abandoned Lands in Ky. Tenn. & Northern Ala. file |

| July 11. 1865 #9 * | Fisk C.B. Asst Com'r for Ky. & Tenn. | Nashville Tenn. July 6. 1865 States that he has received copies of letters from Maj. Gen. Thomas addressed to Genl Howard, and to him from Gen'ls Smith & Hatch to him, touching the condition of Freedmen's Affairs in Miss. & W. Tenn. Gen'l Tillson has in this entered upon duty as Sup't of Memphis Dist. and he trusts will soon have order. States that the ill treatment by the returning rebel soldiers has much to do with the reluctance of the colored people to continue their labors on the Plantations &c.  file. |


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| July 9. 1865 #10. E.B. page 24. 1865 | Fisk C.B. Brig. Gen'l Ass't Com'r for Ky & Tenn. (From Hd. Qrs. Mil. Dir. Tenn) | Nashville Tenn. June 29. 1865 Desires the service of Capt W.C. Turner 177 Ohio Vols. in his Dist. |

| July 22. 1865 #11. E.B. page 62 186| Fletcher  Stephen C. Late Lieut. Col Brown for Report July 24. 1865 Rec'd bk and ret'd to Mr Fletcher Aug 29 with desired inf'n | Waterville Me. July 20. 1865. States that a colored man (Sam Osborne) came North with him and procured employment. Requests assistance in communicating with his wife & child at Danville Tn. |   

| July 25. 1865 #12 | Fiske  C.B. Brig Gen'l Ass't Com'r for Ky & Tenn. Ref'd to Col Thomas Ass't Com'r for Miss for opinion July 26. 1865 | Nashville Tenn. July 21. 1865 Requests that Northern Miss. be added to his Dist Thinks it would be for the best interests of all concerned. |

| July 25. 1865 #13. | Fisk C .B. Brig. Gen'l Ass't Com'r for Ky. & Tenn. (Frw'd to Sec of War recommending and requesting the detail herein asked for. July 26. 1865) | Nashville Tenn. July 21. 1865. Requests that Lt. A.J. Hardin 6th Mo. Cav. Vols. be detailed to report to him for duty. |
| July 25 1865 #14. | Fee  John G. (Frw'd to Secy of War July 26. 1865 asking that request of Gen'l Fisk be complied with See J.A. #407, Ex. 29. A.G.O. July 29 65| Camp Nelson Ky. July 15. 1865. Applies for the detail of Private Gabriel Burditt 114th U.S.C.T. to minister to the spiritual wants of the people at Camp Nelson Ky. Recommend him very highly. (Gen'l C.B. Fiske Ass't Com'r Frw'ds, recommends, and requests the detail be made to report to him.) |