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| July 18 1865 #6 | Keatley J. H. Lt and Asst Supt. Freedmen (From Asst Comr Ga) see LB July 19 1865 Letter to Lt Keatley for further report | Norfolk Va. July 13. 1865 Concerning the restoration of certain property to Mrs. Virginia Duncan. Recommends that the rents be assigned to her. file (Va) |

| July 25 1865 #7 | Kilgore D.Y. Capt & A.Q.M. E.B.43 (Ref'd to Q.M. Gen'l to know if he is a fit person July 26,1865) Ret'd Aug 7, 1865 with rept | Camp Discharge Near Philadelphia July 24, 1865. Requests to be detailed in Freedmen's Bureau. Encloses letter of James E Rhoades, Secy Penn'a Freedmens Relief Ass'n reommending him. |

| Aug 23 1865 #8 | Keatley Jno H. 1 Lt. & Asst. Supt. Aug 23 Referred to Col Brown Asst Comr to be retained if he has duplicates | Office Asst Supt. Freedmen Norfolk Va. Aug 18 1865. Transmits his accounts with the Bureau RF& AL as an Asst Supt of Freedmen. Also a receipt for all houses in my hands from J.H. Hudson Asst Special Agt. Treasury (9 encls) |

| Aug 26 1865 #9 | Kimball John, Supt of Col'd Schools in  D.C. E.B. p.60 Fowd & recd by Col Eaton Asst Comr | Washington, August 25. 1865. Forwards list of articles needed in furnishing school rooms. 50 Stove pipe, 50 Coal Box, shovels gins &c 100 lamps 50 chairs, 50 Tables, 200 spittoons. |

| Sept 14 1865 #10 | Kimball Wm D. Col. Com of Sub Dist of Atlanta. | Blackshear Ga. Sep 4, 1865. Concerning the condition of the Freedmen in his Dist. Calls attention to the necessity of appointing an Agent of Bureau R.F.& A.L. and offers his services. Ref'd Sept 15 to Brig Gen Tillson for his info and action: the writer has been notified of the referral. |

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| Sept 16 1865 #11 | Kingston F.W., Solicitor | Toronto C.E. Sept 13 1865. Requests information of the brothers & sisters of James Webster (Colored) supposed to be in Alex'a Va, who formerly lived in Warrenton Va. Also of Daniel Warren a Barber who moved from Warrenton to Alexandria Va.
J.J. Ferris Supt at Alex'a for report 16/65 Aug 21 Recd back stating that no information can be obtained of find him |

| Sept 20 1865 #12 | Kuechen Gustavas A. Surg. 154 Ill. Vols. | Nashville Tenn. Sept 15,1865. Applies for professional employment in Bureau R.F.& A.L. (2 encls).
Ref'd Sept 20 to Gen Swayne fo9r such action as he may deem necessary. the applicant inf'd of referral. |

| Sept 20 1865 #13 | Kearney Sarah See "C" 81 Vol 2, See [[Asq.?]] Vol 13. EB p.83 1865. Ref'd to Col Brown for action Sept 20. Enclosed in "S" 399 Vol 8. | Washington Sept 20, 1865. Affidavit concerning goods seized by Capt Armis |

| Sept 21 1865 #14 Indexed | Kimball Jno Supt School to Sec'y of the Interior | See I.8, 1865 for answer. Sept 21 Approved and Forw'd (taken by Mr. K in person) | Washington Sept 20, 1865 | Requests that the following lots, now advertised for sale be turned over to the Bureau R.F.& A.L. for use of schools. (Fow'd and rec'd by Col Eaton) Lots 1 & 2 Sq.985 and 1 & 2 Sq 554. |

| Sept 26 1865 #15 | Kobbe Wm A. Capt Com F Post. Official Copy. (Original Filed) (Fow'd by Genl Swayne). Ret'd Spt 26 to Gen Swayne for thorough invest and rep't such evidence as is attainable in support of within charge will be fow'd with report. Copy of Comr fow'd to the Sec'y of War. | Grenville Ala Sept 15 1865 Forwards Comm'n respecting negroes being sold into slavery |

Transcription Notes:
Gustavus mis-spelled as Gustavas here