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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Sept 28 1865 #16 | King Wm. of Savannah. Sept 28 fow'd to Sec'y of War | Boston Mass Sept 26 1865, Requests Gen'l Howard to procure him a permit to see his friend A.H. Stephens, now confined in Fort Warren. |

| Aug 15 1865 #17 | Koche Albert | 295 Barry New York, Aug 15' 1865. Acknowledging receipt of communication of 11th inst. and asks when and where he can expect his detail |

| Aug 15 1865 #18 | Koche Capt A  Filed | New York, Aug 15 1865. Telegram |

| June 11 1865 #19 | King William, File | Savannah Ga. June 10 1865. Introducing his son-in-law Wm G. Harwod |

| June 15 1865 #20 | King William, File. (one enclosure) Ansd June 16 1865 See LS. | Savannah Ga. June 8 1865 Encloses report of proceedings at a meeting of the Planters of the State to consider the condition of the freedmen with suggestions as to their management |

| Aug 5 1865 #21 | Kibbs Charles J Surgeon U.S.O. File | Indianapolis Ind. July 30 1865. Acknowledges the receipt of Special Orders 53 Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c. |


[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 25 1865 #22 | Kimball A.S. Capt & A.Q.M. Filed. Recommendation sent | New York July 21 1865. Asks assistance in getting transferred from Volunteer service to "Regular Army" with same |

| July 31 1865 #23 | Kennedy Thomas. File | Cincinnati. Giving history &c of the Freedmen's home at Cinc' O. |

| Aug 9 1865 #24 | Kilgore D.Y. Capt & A.Q.M. File Returned Aug 7 1865 | Philadelphia Pa, August 5 1865. Asking return of papers |

| June 27 1865 #25 | Knox Peter. File. | Philadelphia Pa. June 22d 1865. Asks a free fare to Macon or Savannah Ga. |

| Aug 25 1865 #26 | King Ralph. File | New York Aug 28 1865. Telegram |

| June 2d 1865 #27 | Kilpatrick J.M. A.Q.M. 41st O.V.S. File | Nashville Tenn May 31 1865. Offers his services to the charge of Freedmen |

| May 1865 # 28 | Knowlton Rod E. Forwarded File - Ansd Form No.2 Jan 5/65 From Sec'y War. | Application for an appointment in Freedmen's Bureau |

| June 1865 #29 | Knight L.M.  File. Ansd June 10 1865 | Franklin N.C. June 3d 1865. Makes application for position in Freedmens Bureau. |