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| May 31. 1865 #5 * | Noble T.K. Revd | U.S. Christian Commission  City Point Va. May 29th 1865  Requests retention of appointment from Col. Howard as Chaplain and relief for destitute Freedmen. file. |

| July 20. 1865 #6. EB page 32. July 21/65 (Col. O. Brown Asst. Com'r for investigation) | Nash Nath'l  | Norfolk Va.  July 15, 1865  Requests that his property may be restored to him and a reasonable sum for damages &c allowed (ship yard in Norfolk) |

| July 27. 1865  #7 8 | Navy Dep't Hon Gideon Welles Secy  E.B. p.38  T.W. Conway for inf 28 T.W. Conway Asst Comr for inf. July 28/65 | Washington July 26/65  Transmits extract from a dispatch, dated 10" inst. from Lt. Comdr J.O. Foster to Act. Rear Admiral L.P. Lee Comdg Miss. Squadron. Relative to the conduct of of the Freedmen in the Red River region. |

| Aug 1. 1865. #8 Indexed | Nicklin B.S. Capt & Insp Lt. Arty  Ref'd Aug 2nd to Asst. Com'r for Tenn. for action | Chattanooga Tenn.  July 21. 1865. Applies for position in Bureau R.F. & A. L. |

| Aug 23. 1865 #9 | Newbury Ed. E.S. D. Co 21st VRC Sept 1. Refd to Prov. Mar. Genl to be placed on list to be detailed for this Bureau. | Philadelphia Pa.  August 21. 1865  Requests to be detailed in Bureau R F & A L. |


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| Sept 10. 1865 #10 | Nesbitt James B. 1st Lt & Asst Sup't &c  E.B. p. 79. 1865  Recd bk Sept 18 with rep't & retd to Gen Fisk  Resp. fowd Sept 13 to the President in compliance with request of Gen Fiske. | Freedmen's Camp Hendersonville Tenn.  September 2d 1865  Rep'ts that Mrs. Donaldson and son, late of CSA, have been trying to prevent the sale of the crops &c made by the Freedmen. Fowd by Genl Fisk Ass't Comr "requesting that its contents be made known to the President of U.S. and stating that Mrs. D. has given him a great deal of trouble and telegraphs to the President that she is unable to obtain her property &c." |

| Sept 15. 1865 #11. Indexed | Nichols C.J.H. Mrs. Supt & Actg Matron Cold Orphan Home  Sept 15. Refd to Capt Brown AQM who will purchase from CS. the articles mentioned from freedmens fund in his hand. | Georgetown D.C.  Sept 13. 1865  States that there are 63 children in the Asylum and the funds have been expended providing for them. Requests that Govt issue rations to relieve present necessities; gives list of articles wanted. Col Eaton Asst Com recommends the above. |

| Sept 30. 1865 #12 * | North Carolina Hon W W Holden Prov. Gov'r File (NC) | Raleigh N.C.  Sept 26. 1865  Acknowledges receipt of letter of 13th enclosing copy of agreement between Gov. Parsons of Ala. and General Swayne Asst Comr. Has agreed with Gen Ruger Com'dg Dept N.C. to a division of jurisdiction, by which civil courts shall try white persons, and military Courts Colored ones. Thinks the conduct of the colored troops in some parts of Ala. has been pernicious in its |

Transcription Notes:
the "col howard" in the first row was not on the list of Virginia Assistant Commissioners and Field Office Staff (looking specifically at City Point too)