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| Sept 29. 1865 #35 * | President U.S. R Morrow Maj and A.A.G. Recd bk. Nov. 10. with attention invited to full rep't of Maj. Free A.A.I.G. and accompanying testimony enclosed. Col. T. states in end. that he does not believe there is any danger of an insurrection. His invest'ns fail to discover any sign Refd Sept 30th 1865 to Col S. Thomas Asst Comr for invest'ns and report.  Off. Copy of report. with memo of the case filed (P.35.) (testimony not copied ) | Washington  Sept 28. 1865 Refers case of D.C. Topp near Grenada Miss, who submits evidence to the President of a plot on the part of his negroes to murder his family, and burn his house; and complains that the Officers of the Freedmens Bureau and other officers of Govt will not punish or try to prevent such crimes. Recd back Jany 31/74. WGP. |

| Oct 2. 1865 #36 | President US. R. Morrow Maj and A.A.G.  Oct 2 Refd to Gen Saxton Asst Com'r for such action as the interests of the service may require. | Washington  Sept 26. 1865  Refers case of Sebastian Kraft Union Dist. S.C. applies for protection from the freedmen whom he represents as lawless and revengeful. |

| Oct 2. 1865 #37 | President US. R Morrow Maj and A.A.G.  Oct 2 Refd to Gen Saxton Asst Comr for such action as the interests of the Bureau may require. | Washington  Sept 26. 1865  Refers case of Citizens of Dist of Beaufort S.C. who Petition for an order compelling the freedmen to adhere to their Contracts. |

| Sept 27. 1865 #38 * | President US. R.D. Mussey Mil. Secretary  File | Washington  Sept 25. 1865  Refers case of Casey Cox who suggests a plan for the benefit of the Negroes or Freedmen, based upon the idea that the White race are the natural guardians of the colored; as the quantity of intellect varies with color. Thinks they should have white guardians, and those who refuse be mustered into the Army. |


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| Sept 20 #39 * | Provost Marshal General File | Washington Sept 19. 1865  Refers for the infn of Gen Howard case of Jas M Fidler Capt and Q.M. 4th Dist Ky. Relating to finding a bill against him by the Grand Jury of Marion Co. for giving a pass to a slave without consent from the master &c. (5 enclo.) |

| Sept 30. 1865 #40 | President of US. R. Morrow Maj. & A.A.G. | Washington Sept 28. 1865  Refers case of Citizens of Edgefield S.C.
Prov. Govr Perry forwards a petition asking the withdrawal of colored troops. Oct 3. 1865 Refd to Gen Saxton for remark, and to be referred to Dept Com'dr for his endorsement |  

| June 21 1865. #41 * | Parkinson R File Ansd June 22d 1865. | June 15 1865 Makes application for position |

| May 27 1865 #42 * | Perham Sidney M C File Ansd Form No 2 May 30 1865. 2 enclosures. | Washington D C February 1865. Recommending Rec H W Rugg of Bath Me as Asst Comr Freedmens Bureau |

| May 1865 #43 | Post Rev A L File - Ansd Form No 2 June 2 1865 | March 15 1865. Application for position in Freedmens Bureau
From Secretary of War. Returned to Mr J G Post Treas Dept Nov 3rd 1865. |

|May 1865 #44 *| Parker J W  file |Boston Mass For an office connected with the Freedmen|
| June 3rd 1865 #45. * | Parkinson J Dunbie File. | New York City June 2d 1865. States that he was formally a teacher of colored soldiers, and children of Refugees and asks to be employed in some similar capacity in Freedmens Bureau |