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[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| Aug 22d 1865. #62 * | Perry Rev J A File. 1 Enclosure Ansd Aug 23rd 1865. | Providence R.I. Aug 18. 1865 Applies for position |

| Aug 31 1865 #63 * | Preston William File Ansd Aug 31 1865. | Washington DC. Aug 31 1865. Desires position as Supt of Farms in Va |

| Aug 26 1865 #64. * | Place Frank File Ansd Aug 28 1865. | Cincinnatus NY. Aug 22d 1865. Asks for position in Freedmen's Bureau |

| Sept 1 1865 #65. * | Palmer Ray File | Newport R.I. Aug 29 1865. Recommends Rev. S. Mather for position |

| Sept 1 1865 #66 * | Posey Judge R.T. 5 Jud Dis Louisiana File | Baton Rouge La Aug 20 1865. Recommends Chaplain M.A. Gonsalves for position of Superintendent of Freedmen |

| Oct5 1 1865 #67. * | Parington Geo A. File | Warsaw Ohio Sept 27 1865. Application for position in Freedmen's Bureau as Asst. Supt. |

| June 3 1867 #68. * | President U.S. R.D. Mussey MS File. Ansd June 8 1865 | May 29 1865 Refers case of A W Johnson - asks that a large sum of money be appropriated to send out teachers to the freedmen. |


| #69. * | President U.S. File. Memorandum. | Washington June 5 1865. Refers case of John M [[?Aaci]] - States that he turned over his property consisting of Steam Flour Mill to the Government and said then it has been burned - Requests that he may be paid for the loss |

| #70. * | President U.S. A.D. Mussey Mil Secy. File | Executive. June 29 1865. Refers case of Mrs. S.B. Mala - application for transportation to return home to Atlanta Ga. |

| #71. * | President US R.D. Mussey Mil Secy. File. | Executive July 13 1865. Refers case of "Blind Tom" pianist now owned by a negro stock company, Geo Daniels (Colored) asks that his talents may be used for the benefit of the Colored people at large, South. |

| August 1 1865 #72. * | President U.S. RD Mussey Mil Secy File | Executive July 29 1865. Refers case of Lyman Abbott Secretary American Union Commissioner - applies for transportation for regn't. |

| Aug 24 1865 #73. & | President U.S. File | Executive Washington DC Aug 24 65. Desires an early conference on matters connected with the Freedmen's Bureau in Miss. |

| Aug 26 1865 #74. * | President U.S. R. Morrow AAG File | Executive Aug 25 1865. Case of B.E. Canbe & Frank P Proud applies for some farm in the South confiscated by the government. |