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| July 8. 1865 #6. * | Qr. Mr. General U.S.A. by Geo. D. Wise Col. & Q.M. July 8. 1865 Official copy referred to Col Brown As't Com: for Va. file. | Washington July 7. 1865 States that the Qr. Mr. General has directed that transportation be furnished the Colored women and children (now in Richmond) on the first available Transport from any Northern Post to Texas. |

| July 10. 1865 #7. | Quarter Master General U.S.A. Filed with (F.4. 1865) | Washington July 7, 1865. Reports in reply to com'n of 30th ult. relative to the claim of Joseph Fry, for services as Blacksmith in the 1" Mich. Cavalry in 1861 & 62, that the hire of a citizen as company or regimental Blacksmith is not authorized as a charge against the Q.M. Dep't. The law provides for the enlistment of farriers and blacksmiths. If Fry was not an enlisted man, he should apply for payment to the person who hired him. The papers enclosed are respectfully returned. to be returned to Fry | 

| July 12. 1865 #8 E.B. page 25, 1865 | Quarter Master General's Office J.J. Dana Col & Q.M. (Cap't Brown A.Q.M. for info'n July 14/65) Rec'd bk, with rep't enclo. July 27. 65. and same day ret'd to Q.M. Gen'l U.S.A. see E.B. page 37. 1865. | Washington July 12. 1865 Refers papers relative to claim of J.W. Thompson K. Plumbers & Gas Fitters, for work done at Freedmens Village, Arlington Heights. |

| July 17. 1865. #9. | Quarter Master Generals Office J.J. Dana Col & Qr. Mr. Referred to Col. Eaton Jr. Ass't. Com'r. for report July 17. 1865 Rec'd. bk enclo. July 18. 65 & returned to Q.M. Gen'l requesting that buildings mentioned in rep't be assigned this R. | Washington July 17. 1865 Reports to com'r of 14th inst relative to certain buildings available for use of Freedmen's Bureau. states that they are ordered to be sold, and requests decision as to which shall be retained. |

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| July 18. 1865 #10 E.B. page 30 1865. | Quartermaster General U.S.A. Bvt. Maj. Gen'l M.C. Meige (Returned July 19. 1865) | Washington July 18. 1865 Refers communication of Capt Henry E. Alvord 2nd Mass Cavalry dated July 18. 1865 Requesting that he may be authorized to receipt for such Qr. Mr. property so may be needed for the use of the Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c. Requests information as to who are authorized receipting officers of the Bureau. | 

| July 22. 1865. 11. *. | Quartermaster General. by J.J. Dana Col & Q.M. | Washington July 22. 1865 States in reply to com'n of 20 inst that Genl. D.H. Rucker Ch'f Q.M. at this Depot has been instructed, as the buildings are not required for the Medical Dept, at Camp Distribution near Alexandria Va. they can be turned over to the use of Bureau R.F.&A.L. file. (July 24. 1865 Official Copy referred to Capt. H.E. Alvord Supt Freedmen, The buildings to be received of needed) (Off'l Copy recd bk with reports & end't July 25. 1865 See E.B. page 35. 1865. and referred same day to Col. Eaton Asst. Comr |

| July 25. 1865. 12. | Quartermaster Generals Office. H.A. Royce Capt & A.Q.M. | Washington July 17. 1865
Extract from Inspection report of the Affairs of the Q.M. Dept at Augusta Me. Capt F.G. Whytal AQM in charge. The sum of $22.50 belonging to Freedmens Fund remaining in his hands. Referred to Lt Col Ballard Ch'f D.O. for measures to secure the amt to this Bureau (July 26. 1865.) Recd bk July 27. with rept that measures have been taken, and same day retd to Q.M.G.O. for their information |

| July 25. 1865. #13 * | Quartermaster General by Col. G.D. Wise Q.M. | Washington July 25. 1865 
States that the steamer "Weybasset" can transport the women & children (wives and children of col'd Soldiers from Richmond to Hampton Roads. Aug. 2d 1865
requests to be notified if the proposition is accepted. Official Copy referred to Col Brown Richmond Va. for his information July 26. 1865 |