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| June 13.1865 #6 * | Rosekrans J.A. Capt & C. L. (Referred June 13.1865 to Col Balloch Chief Com'g of Subsistence of this Bureau) (Recd. back June 16.1865 App'd. Application for detail made June 16.1865 see LB.) | City Point Va. June 12/65/ States his experience in Subsistence Dep't. Requests position as Commissary of this Bureau. |

| June 20. 28165 #7. E.B.9 - 1865 E.B.11 - 1865 Rec'd bk June 22d and referred to A.G.O. June 23 1865 | New Paris Ohio May 23s 1865. Request transportation to North Carolina for J.F. Goodman and W.F. Hodges. |

| June 21. 1865 #8 * | Rucker D.H. Brig Genl & Chief Q.M. | Chief Qr Mr Office Washington June 21, 1865. States that instructions will be given Capt E.S. Allen A.Q.M. in charge of transportation, to Lt. Wharf to furnish transportation on presentation of orders emanating from Bureau Refugee &c File |

| July 2. 1865 #9 | Rollows Jno J. E.B. p 40 | Washington June 29 1865. States that his wife Mrs. Rollow took the daughter of a freedman (Nelly 5 years old) to keep until of age. When leaving Fredericksburg Va. she was taken away by Jno. H. Bradley. Wishes to know how to recover the child, as her father not in Alexandria is anxious to have her returned. Mr. Bradley bound her out to A.J. Browning who is now in Fred'g. |

| July 6. 1865 #10 | Referred to Col Sumner Comd'g Dist Charlottesville Va for report &c. This paper to be returned. Rec'd bk with rep't & ret'd to Mr. Rollow (thro Hd. Qrs. D.W.) July 31. 1865. |

| 10½ | Rowland S.S. Rec'd bk wih report July 13/65 E.B. Page 20. Referred to Col Brown Asst Comr. for Va July 7. 1865 | Princeton N.J. June 27 1865. States that she is a loyal woman, her husband having been killed by being thrown from his carriage in 1861, Wishes to obtain possession of the property known as Neston Tract. estimates damages at $6000. |


| July 13. 1865 #11 * | Rucker D.H. Bv. Maj. Genl, Chf Q.M. depot of Washington. | Chief Qr. Mr. Office. Washington July 12. 1865 Refers official copy of a letter from the Q.M. Gen'l in reply of Com'n from Capt E.S. Allen A.Q.M. with reference to the transportation of persons to "Belle Plains & Fredericksburg" on the requisition of Genl Howard. Directs that the transportation be furnished by private line, and to notify Gen Howard that sending them in this manner makes a direct charge against the Gov't. Filed. (1 enc). |

| July 17. 1865 #12 | Robinson Wm L. 1 Lt 22nd U.S.C. Infty See L.B. to A.G.O. July 18, 1865 | Newport News Va. July 12. 1865 Applies for a position in Freedmen's Bureau. Approved by Col. Brown  Asst. Comr. file |

| 13 Aug 1. 1865 #14 15 16 17 | Rice W.C. Jr. Late Hosp. Stew'd 183d Pa Vols. | Philadelphia Pa. 702 N. 2d St. July 31. 1865 Applies for position in Bureau R.F.& A.L. Ref'd Aug 2 1865 to Surg Horner for answer |

| 18 Aug 1. 1865 #15 | Rowell E. Late Maj. & P.M. USA E.B.p.42 1865 | Hallowell Me. July 28. 1865 Applies for position in Bureau R.F.& A.L. Recom'd by Q.M. General. Ret'd Aug 1 1865 to Brig Genl Brice PayMr Genl. |

| Aug 2. 1865 #16 | Ramsey W.A. et:als: | Sumpter S.C. July 19. 1865 
Statement that the larger portion of colored population were carried off by Gen Potter in Apl 1865, consequently reducing crops belong the quantity required for their support should they return. Wish this Bureau to furnish support until Jany 1866. Ref'd Aug 4 to Brig Genl Saxton Asst Comr &c. for such action he thinks proper |