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| May 31 1865 #5 * | Sprague J.W. Brig. Genl. Asst. Com'd for Mo. & Ark | Washington D.C. May 30 1865. Requests that the following named officers be detailed and ordered to report to him for duty in Mo. & Ark. 
Lt. Col. D.H. Williams 185 Ohio Vols., Surg. A.B. Monahan 65 Ohio Vols, Capt Kelly Skinner A.Q.M., Capt Geo. E. Dayton 35 New Jersey Vols, 1 Lt. Jacob L Antrim. Request complied with and application made to War Dept for all but Lt Antrim (see L.B. May 30). See S.O.#275 Ex 29 and S.O.294 Ex 98 W.D. A.G.O. |

| May 29 1865 #6. | Stocking Edgar B. Batt'n "A" N.Y. Art. Referred to Col. Eaton Asst. Comr for his action | Fort Woodbury Va. May 26 1865. Wishes to get colored persons as helpers for families in the State of New York. referred by Sanitary Com'r. |

| June 1 1865 #7 | Stevens John L. Referred to Col. Eaton Asst. Comr of Bureau for his action | Augusta Maine. May 29 1865. Transmits letter from J.M. Perkins and requests appointment for him in the Bureau. |

| June 7 1865 #8 1 | Suckley Geo. Late Surg. U.S.V. | New York. May 30 1865. Relative to Buildings, Fixtures & grounds suitable for use of the Freedmen, Situated near City Point Va, and known as Point of Rocks Hospital. June 3.1865. Referred to Capt O. Brown Asst Com. for Va. for his information |

| 1 | Sargent W.G. Major & Supt Freedmen of Ark | Little Rock, Ark. March 31, 1865. Transmits Quarterly report of Freedmen in Ark with Orders, Returns, list of Teachers &c.
Referred to Brig. Gen Sprague Asst. Com. for Ark. & Mo. for his information |


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| June 2, 1865 #10 * | South Dept of, Gilmore Q.A. Maj. Gen. Comd'g | Hd. Qrs. Dept of the South. Hilton Head S.C. May 24/65. Extract from letter to Hon. E.M. Stanton Secy of War, enclosing copy of Gen'l Orders No.63 Hd. Qrs. Dept South May 15 1865 relating to Freedmen (1 enc) File |

| June 2, 1865 #11 * | Sprague E.T. Colonel | Post of Cairo, Ill. March 6, 1865. Relative to arrival of white refugees arriving at Cairo. file. |

| June 9, 1865 #12 1 E.B. page 5. | Shaw Francis George, Pres. Nat'l Freedmens Relief Ass'n. | New York June 7 1865. Calls attention to the suffering condition of the Freed People of Roanoke Island and request that the matter may receive the attention of this Bureau. |

| June 2, 1865 #13 * | South Dept of Gilmore QA Maj Gen Comd'g | Hd Qrs Dept South. May 24 1865. Correspondence with Bvt. Maj. Gen'l R. Saxton Inspector of Settlements & Plantations suspending until further orders, as much of order "that on white men will be allowed to reside on any of the Islands and lands not apart for the freed blacks (one enc) file. |

| June 10, 1865 #14. * 1 | Saxton R. Bvt. Maj. Gen'l & Ass't Commissioner | Beaufort S.C. June 4 1865. Report of his action as Supt of Freedmen in his District. file. |

| June 15, 1865 #15 * 1 | Simons J.M. Rev'd Rec'd bk Aug 9/65 with rept & Filed. Referred to Genl Saxton Asst Comr for his information | Savannah Ga. May 25 1865. Complains in behalf of the Freed People of the manner in which they are treated by the Military Authorities. Certificate of J.M Perkins filed. |