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| June 21, 1865 #16 * | Sprague J.W. Brig Genl and Asst Comr for Missouri & Arkansas | St. Louis Mo. June 16. 1865. Telegraphs this A.M. that Q.M. Dept would not furnish office & furniture, without orders from Q.M. General. Requests that they may be sent by telegraph. Thinks the approaching harvest will lessen the number of refugees to be subsisted by Government. file |

| June 21, 1865 #17. * | Soule Chas. Capt & 55 U.S.C.T. Chairman of Commission | Orangeburg S.C. June 12. 1865. Report of Organization and operations of special com and on contracts with freedmen at Orangeburg S.C. file. |

| June 20, 1865 #18. * | Subsistence Dept. Com'g Gen'l of Sub. See LB. June 21. 1865 letter to J. H. Conway. | Subsistence Dept Washington Mch 25. 1865 Forwards report &c of Col E.G. Beckwith C.C.S. Gulf Dept relative to feeding the destitute of New Orleans La. with request that the evil complained of be not longer continued. filed. |

| June 24 1865 #19 * | Saxton R. Bvt. Maj. Genl. Asst Comr for S.C. & Ga. | Hd. Qrs. Asst. Com'r S.C. & Ga. Beaufort S.C. June 15 1865. Requests that Bvt Brig Genl J.R. Sherwood ordered to report to him. Application for detail made June 26 1865. See LB & LO 341 Ex 2 |

| June 27 1865 #20 | Sprague J.W. Brig. Gen'l & Asst. Comr. E.B. Page 14 1865 | St Louis Mos. June 223 1865. Requests that Col. S. Brown 63" Ohio Inf be ordered to report to him for duty. Recommends that he be "Brevetted" Brig. Gen'. Detailed by S.O. 344, War Dept.  A.G.O. June 30 |


| July 3, 1865 #21 | Sumner Chas. Hon. U.S.S. | Boston Mass July 1 1865. Refers letter of J.C. Raush of Norfolk Va. and asks if something cannot be done to save the Freedmen and Unionists from Rebel power. Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown for investigation and report, papers to be returned. Rec'd bk with rep't July 14 1865 and returned to Hon. Chas. Sumner July 15 1865. E.B. page 25, 1865. |

| July 3. 1865 #22 | Stillman J.D. Asst. Surg. In charge of Hospital & Camps | Freedmen's Hospital Columbus Ky. June 21, 1865. Statement concerning cruel treatment of Colored people by their former owners. Says they have been forced to the severest labor, without pay or clothes, and have been cruelly beaten &c. Gives names of some of the parties and I enclosed certificate of the colored people. (one enclosure). Referred to Brig. Genl Fisk Asst Com'r for investigation & report July 3. 1865 |

| July 5, 1865 #23 * | Sumner C.V. Col. Com'dg Dist. | Hd. Qrs. Sub. Dist. Rappahannock Fredericksburg Va. June 30 1865. Reports in reply to telegram of June 4 1865 concerning the reasons why Mr. Brooks drove his servants away without pay &c. States that according to all accounts he has never done so. file. |

| July 12, 1865 #24 E.B. page 24, 1865 | Saxton R. Bvt. Maj. Genl. General Sup't. (From A.G.O.) | Hd. Qrs. Sup't Rec'tg & Org'n C.T. Dept South. Beaufort S.C. June 16 1865.  Asks for information in regard to the assignment to duty of Maj. M.A. Delany and Capt. O.S.P. Wall 104 U.S.C. Troops. detailed by S.O. 372 Ex40 A.G.O. July 18 |

| July 12 1865 #25 E.B. page 24. 1865 | Strong Wm E. Bvt Brig. Gen'l Asst. Inspector General. | Memphis Tenn. July 5 1865. | Reports upon the condition of Hospital at Memphis Tenn &c. |

Transcription Notes:
#18 Guessing that Mch most likely means March - exactly