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| Sept 11. 1865 #55 | Tennessee Mil. Div. of Maj. Gen'l G.H. Thomas Comdg Fowd to President US. for his infn and consideration. the Sec. of War being absent Sept 12/65 | Nashville Tenn Aug 30. 1865 Invites attention of War & Treasy Depts in regard to the authority of Government over abandoned and confiscable property, and represents the great amount of damage sustained by Govt, from the present manner in which returning rebels regain possession of such property. Encloses case of the "Southern Methodist Book Publishing House" and "Chattanooga Saw Mill" and requests instructions for these and similar cases. (eight enclosures) |

| Sept 10. 1865 #56 | Thompson Thomas. late A.A.Surg 92 N.Y. Vols. Similar Comr rec'd from A.G.O. and ref Sept 14/65. Refd Sept 12 to Surg Horner Med  Dist | Hilton Head S.C. Sept 5, 1865. Requests position in Bureau R.F.& A.L. |

| Sept 16. 1865 #57 Thomas W. Attorney | Next Turn out near Central R.R., near Beaverdam P.O. Va. Aug 16 1865. Statement concerning the non payment of negro laborers on the Railroad Requests assistance in collecting their pay.
Sept 18, Ref'd to Col. Brown Asst. Comr who will please cause what he can to be done in this matter |

| Aug 22. 1865. #58 | Treasury Department E.B. Ret'd Sept 18. 1865 | Washington Aug 16 1865. Encloses copy of letter of Theodore Cook Esq. to Geo F. Davis Asst Chamber of Commerce Cincinnati Ohio, suggesting the employment of certain freedmen, now collected at various points on the Miss. River, in repairing the broken Levees" in the lower coast of the Miss. | 


| Sept 16. 1865 #59 See "G" 26 Vol 2. | Treasury Dept. Hon H. McCulloch Sec'y. E.B. p.80, 1865. | Washington Sept 15 1865  Encloses extract from letter of Sup Sp'l Agent Brown in relation to some buildings at Albany Ga. Has directed him to be guided by the wishes of Gen. Howard in the matter. (1 encl)  Ref'd Sept 19 to Gen. Tillson Asst Comr for such action as interests of service and regulations of bureau may require |

| Sept 16. 1865 #60 * | Thomas Sam'l Col. Asst Com of Miss. File. | Vicksburg Miss Sept 16, 1865. States he has placed Col Wood in possession of his property. Has destitute negroes on Jacob Thompson's Plantation, near Oxford, but in accordance with endorsements from Bureau R.F.& A.L. will remove them. |

| Sept 21. 1865 #61 | Tearmoh Geo. In behalf of Col'd laborers at Gosport Navy Yard. | Portsmouth Va. Sept 19. 1865 States that all the colored "Caulkers" have been discharged, although the white ones were kept &c. Petition for redress. (2 encls). Sept 22. Fow'd to Secy of Navy |

| Sept 21. 1865 #62 Indexed | Thomas Sam'l Col Asst Comr. Telegram. EB page 85. 1865 | Vicksburg Miss Sept 21. 1865 States that Chaplain J.A. Hawley 63d U.S.C.T. is by War Dep't Orders sent to his reg't. Asks if he can retain him. 
Sept 22. Respy fow'd to A.G.O. Recd bk Sept 27 to know if the detail is desired. Reforwarded Sept 28. See S.O. 518 par 21 A.G.O. Sept 28. 1865 |

Transcription Notes:
George Teamoh misspelled