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| Sept 4. 1865 #55 | Wade Susan K. Mrs. to Mr. Wills | Allegany City Pa. August 30 1865. Concerning a family of negroes names Dickson who came to Penn'a in 1865. formerly owned by Miss Meade of "White Post Va" States that two of the children were carried back by a party of "raiders" headed by a Mr Meade a nephew of this former owner. Requests assistance in recovering them. (3 enclosures) Ref'd Sept 4. to Col O. Brown Asst Comr. for investigation action |

| Sept 4. 1865 $56 * | War Department T.T. Eckert Act. Asst. Sec'y. | War Department Sept 4 1865. Refers telegram of Maj. Gen. U.S. Grant dated Galena Ills. recommending the removal of Gen Wilde from Bureau R.F.& A.L. in Ga. with directions to relieve Gen. W. as res'd by the Lieut General.  Off Copy to Gen Saxton Asst Com 
Sept 4. file |

| Sept 5. 1865. #57 | War Department Jas A Hardin, Inspt Genl | Washington Sept 4 1865. Forwards extract from Insp. Report of Capt T. M. Fee A.A.I. Genl Dept of Arkansas, for month of July 1865. Sept 6. Ref'd to Brig Gen. Sprague Asst Comr. for is info and such action as he deems necessary. |

| Sept 6. 1865. #58 | Wilson D.B. Lt. & A.C.M. (from Col Brown Asst Comr) | Fort Monroe Va. August 28 1865. Applies for appointment as Asst. in Bureau R.F. & A.L. and that he be retained in service. Ret'd Sept 7 The Sec'y of War refuses to authorize the retention of officers in service after muster out of com'd. |

| Sept 6. 1865 #59 | Wilder C.B. Capt. Supt 9 Dist. Va. | Fort Monroe Va. Sept 1. 1865. Advises remonstrance with the President U.S. against the pardon of Mr Geo Booker. Refers to Judge Underwood and Dist Atty Chandler. Ref'd Sept 8 to the Atty Gen'l (thro Sec'y War) reason be that the pardon of this man be delayed |


| Sept 7. 1865 #60 | Woods Geo. H | No 4 La Ar Washington Sept 6 1865. Requests information concerning parents of Peter Hall Col'd, His fathers name is John. His mother lived in 1853 with man R.F. Sanders a mile below Robinson Tavern in Orange Co. Va. Ref'd Sept 8 to Col. Brown Asst Com to fow'd to ag't nearest the point mentioned for inquiry and return. Rec'd bk Jan 2/66 with report that she is living with man Sanders an is in good health. |

| Sept 10. 1865 #61 | Webb H.P. Lt. Act Ord Off. E.B. p.74 (From Ord. Office) | Macon Ga. Aug. 30 1865. Refers letters letters of Gen. E.A. Wild Asst Com Bureau R.F.& A.L. requesting him to turn over all rebel property; together with lumber and bricks, carpenters and blacksmiths tools, also all houses and grounds not used for military purposes. Ref'd from Ord. Officer for info. Ret'd to Ord'n Officer Sept 13 1865 with info requested. |

| Sept 1. 1865 #62 | William Avery M.D. | Buffalo N.Y. Aug 29 1865. Requests professional employment in Bureau R.F.& A.L. Ref'd Sept 13 to Surg Horner Med Dist for answer. |

| Sept 9. 1865 #63 | Whittlesey E. Col. Asst. Comr for N.C. E.B. p.74 | Raleigh N.C. Sept 5 1865 States that many applications to lease "abandoned lands" with the privilege of cutting the timber have been made to him. Requests information as to the authority of the Bureau in the premises. Ret'd Sept 13. to Col H. Asst Comr. | to Col H. Asst Comr. |