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| Oct 1st 1865. #82 * | War Department T.T. Eckhart Act. Asst. Secy of Warr. | Washington DC September 30 1865. Directss that the Baltimore Daily Commercial be placed upon the list of newspapers authorized to insert advertisements for the War Department. file. |

| May 19th 1865 #83 * | War Department John Potts Chief Clerk | Forwards list of newspapers, authorized to advertise for the War Department. file. |

| Sept 13th 1865 #84. * | Washington Dept of C.C. Augur Maj. Genl. File. | Washington D.C. Sept 12th 1865. Requests that enlisted men on duty in Bureau of R.F. and AL be ordered to report to their Regiment for the preparatory of being mustered out. Returned S.O. 60 Sept 13th 1865. |

| May 25th 1865 #85. * | War Department C.A. Dana Asst Sec. War. File | Washington D.C. May 29 1865. Directs that all advertisements by officers of the Army stationed at Harper Ferry Va be inserted in the Va Free Press of that place. |

| May 26th 1865 #86. * | War Department C.A. Dana, Asst Secy War. File | Washington May 26 1865. Directs that the "Arkansas Journal" be placed upon the list of newspapers authorized to publish advertisements of the War Department |
| May 26th 1865 #87 | War Department C.A. Dana Asst Secy War. File | Washington DC May 26 1865. Authorizing the "North Carolina Standard" to publish advertisements |


| May 27 1865 #88. * | War Department C.A. Dana Asst Sec War. File | Washington DC May 26 1865. Authorizing the Daily Progress to publish advertisements for the War Department |

| #89. * | War Department C.A. Dana Asst Sec War. File | Washington D.C. May 26 1865. Appoint William Elliott temporary clerk in Office of Court of Freedmen |

| #90 | War Department Potts John. File. | War Department May 11 1865. In relation to bills of job printing |

| June 11 1865 #91 * | Willson J.H. Bvt. Maj. Genl. File. | U.S. Military Telegraph June 2d 1865. Stating that the poor people in the neighborhood of Atlanta are in a starving condition |

| June 2d 1865 #92. * | Willson J. H. Bvt. Maj. Genl. File. | Macon Ga. June 20 1865. Telegram. Suggests that Supts of Freedmen be appointed for Atlanta and other places in his District. |

| June 14 1865 #93. * | Wishart P. H. File. | New York June 12 1865. Desires that circulars or printed matter with reference to the objects and workings of the Bureau be sent him. |

| June 22 1865 #94. * | Wishart P.H. File. | New York June 19 1865. Acknowledging receipt of orders, circulars &c. |