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Office Supt. and Pro. Mar'l. Freedmen
State of Arkansas
Little Rock Ark. Mch 14th 1865

Col. Benham 
In answer to you inquiries by what authority rations are drawn for the Freed People in my Department what means we are inaugurating for the payment of same, how near these people are self supporting.  What credits if any has accrued at different posts, and what disposition I have made of such credits &c &c.  I beg leave to make to following statement, Special Orders, No 63, issued by Secty. of War a copy of which I yesterday forwarded to you, is the authority for issuing, and is as follows, to wit.
III. The Quartermaster's, Commissary and Medical Dept. will issue supplies necessary for the care and employment of these people on the requisitions of the properly authorized officers. 
Where the above order we have from time to time drawn rations (the contraband so called) for all those at Herne Farm, endeavoring at the same time to make even the dependent self-supporting by wood chopping agriculture and horticulture, and in some same localities, gathering of moss, and making brick: this does not include those who are hired out under my super