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[[Parsons]]field, Me, to take charge of the Seminary, at which place I spent two years, & then returned west, taking the pastoral charge of a large church at Mt Pleasant, near Racine Wisconsin, also of an Academy at the same place.

Here I spent three years, bringing me up to the time when I entered the army - March 10th 1864 at Nashville Tenn.

Since that time I have been in Sherman's Army with the exception of a portion of the Atlanta campaign during which I was sick.

I have been much interested with the welfare of the colored people of the South & I should be pleased to labor amongst them, particularly in the Educational department, though I am not very particular.

As to ability & character, I have the honor to refer you to C.O. Thompson one of the Examiners of claims in the Pension Bureau, Washington D.C.

Also to President E.B. Fairfield - formerly

Transcription Notes:
10-15-2021: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review Parsonsfield Maine