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Washington, D.C June. 19th 1865
Quarter Master Genrals Office

Col. F. D. Wise  Sir i Have the Honor to give you a true & correct statement of the fact about the crew of the USS Diamond. Col, i sliped[[?]] my crew in Charleston & Savannah at my contract rates i took the USS Diamond from Capt Enoch. E. Mulliner on the 30th day of April 1865. the subsistance i Bought of Him which He Bought in New York & it was good, as good grub as goes on anny Steamer. i paid Him $5.37 cash for it my contract is $17, 57, 50 & Col. Sir i feed my Crew off the same as i feed on & my Officers & Engineers all comes out of one Barril & Box & i always give them a pleanty to eat no man can say on this USS Diamond & tell the trouth that they ever went Hungry & else for missusage to my Surtain knowlage i never Have seen the wate of a pin Laid on them or abused in any way. my men did not want to come North at all but Capt John. L. Kelley A. Q. M Promiced me & The crew & officers that the Ship was to Return & we Left at 1oc in the morning with Col Woodford Chief of Major. Gen Filmores staff & after we got Here & the collard men found out the