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[[left margin]] Ch Bk 5 H 33 [[/left margin]]

Steamer was not agoing Back They all but 3 of them wanted thair Descharge  i told them to stay by the Boat untill i got Paid & i would pay them & Help them get a transportation. one of the Firemen Refused to do anny work & and went on shore  He asked me for a written descharge  i told  Him i Had no money to pay Him & as He Had taken His discharge & Left the Boat it was no use for me to give Him anny. He was over on masons Island when the steamer was over Thair Repairing Borylers & other work & He was around the Boat trying to influence them to Leave but when them gentlemen come to see me about that man they all thought they would get thair descharge but not one of them Has Left the Boat neither Have i Had anny complaint Onely they want to go South

Col. ever since i arive in Washington i Have Lived from the Market i go to market every day myself & when i went to Richmond to carry Governer Pearpont i paid seventy Dollars for fresh Provissions & my crew subsisted off them Just the same as i did & my Officers since i Have been in Washington i Have not used anny salt Provissions at all but my salt Beef & Pork That i Baught of Capt EC Mulliner was good Nice Beeff & Pork & else for the Bread i never Had anny army Bread

Transcription Notes:
I tried to honor the capitalization and spelling within the transcription.