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interested in schools for either negroes or the poor whites, may become so.  As soon as the smoke of war fairly clears away, and unprejudiced reason assumes the control, they I think will come to feel as the North does on the subject of free schools and universal education.

To do the work among these several classes, the following plan has occurred to me as the most feasible.

First: an earnest call for Northern teachers with a proviso that none be accepted who do not come with a recommendation for character and competence for the service, such as would be required for admission to a place in the free schools of the North.  You cannot absolutely require the evidence of  personal piety in the teachers, though the service is such that few would be found to embark on it, especially among the negroes, who were not actuated by the love of Christ. It is a cross-bearing

Transcription Notes:
I didn't know what to do about the markings in the left margin - they don't seem to be writing